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Rae stood in the ED as she got to work. She sighed as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed. Things were tense between her and Iain ever since she had learnt over the kiss with him and Rita. She was annoyed and didn't know what was going on. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed as Lexi walked into the room and looked to her and smiled as she looked to her "I guess so" she said as she ran a hand through her hair as Lexi looked to her and frowned "it's Iain, we have hardly talked since he and Rita had that kiss and I just don't know what to do. I don't know how to trust him again especially after that kiss with Rita. I don't know what to do, I have a child with him and I just don't know how I am meant to trust him especially after this" Rae said as Lexi looked to her and smiled

"You and Iain are soul mates, you two are meant to be. Rita is a jealous, psychotic cow and she has nothing on you. You are hot, you are beautiful and you are engaged to marry him and your the mother to his child" Lexi said as Rae looked to her and smiled "I guess that you are right" Rae said as Lexi looked to her and smiled "yeah, I am. Now go and talk to him and make up I'll cover with Connie" Lexi said as Rae looked to her and smiled as she walked off into the ED. She saw Iain "can we talk" she asked as he nodded "I'm sorry" he said "so am I" He said as she walked over to I'm and wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her close and kissed her.


Rae and Iain stood in the ED. Iain has his arm around her as he pulled her close kissing her. Rae moaned as he kissed her neck "I have work to do" she said as he smirked "so do it, or we could go to the on call room" he said as she looked to him and smirked. She glanced around before she walked over to the on call room as he followed her. He pulled her close and kissed her passionately unaware of how Rita was glaring at them. She was annoyed and she wanted Iain. Lexi walked over to where she was and looked to Rita. She was sick of Rita coming between Iain and her best friend

"Why don't you leave them alone it's not as if he wants you, he's a father for crying out loud and there getting married don't you have any standards" Lexi said as Rita looked to her and smirked "Iain loves me" "he loved Rae" "no, he doesn't and your going to help me. Your going to help me split them up" Rita said as Lexi looked to her and rolled her eyes "you really are deluded" "if you don't I'll tell Ethan all about how you slept with cal" Rita said as Lexi looked to her "try it" she said as she walked off. She knew she couldn't ruin her best friends happiness but she knew Ethan couldn't know she slept with cal

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