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Rae stood in the bathroom. She placed the pregnancy test that she had took on the side as she waitied three minutes, she was scared to see if she was pregnant. She knew that she and iain would deal with it but they had never talked about having children. The further they had gotten to talking about the future was moving in together. Rae sighed to herslef and ran her hands through her hair, she had ever been anymore anxious as her phone buzzed telling her that it had been three minutes. Rae grabbed the text and looked to see it was negative, she let out a breathe of relief, she knew a baby wasnt what she and iain needed right now. "rae" Iain said knocking on the door. Rae walked to the door and answered it, smiling to iain "egative" she said and iain looked jsut as reliefed as she did and pulledh er into a hug "thank god, you do know i would of stuck wth you if it was positive" iain siad and rae nodded "yeah, i know" Rae said as Iain kissed her forehead.


Rae headed back to hers, she was finishing off some of her backing as ehr phone buzzed from the side. She frowned and answered it, Unsure of the number "hello?" rae siad "yes, it this an olivia fields?" rae swallowed the lump in her throat, she could sense that it was bad news "im affriad to tell you that your parents karen and brain have died in a car crash, im so sorry" Rae felt a tear fall down her face. She hung up the phone, she knew that she wasnt close to her parents but they did check in on her and after all they were still her parents. Iain walked into the room and looked to rae, she sat with her head down "babe?" iain said as rae looked up at him, iain could see the tears on her face "what happened?" iain asked "i had a phonecall, its my parents" "what happened?" iain asked as rae wiped away the tears "my parents.....they were in a car crahs" rae asked asiain knelt down in front of her. He placed a hand under her chin and pulled it so that she was looknig to him "they okay?" iain asked and rae shook her head "they died" rae said "im sorry" iain said as he brushed his thumb against her lips.

"can you hold me?" rae asked "always" iain said as he pulled her close to him and kissed her forehead as rae sobbed into him "your all i have" rae said "and im not gonig anywhere" Iain said as rae looked to him, he smiled at her and gently brushed his lips agaisnt hers. Rae brushedh erl ips agianst his and deepened the kiss. Rae grabbed iain and pulled her close to him, he frowned "are you sure?" he aksed "please, i need this, i need you" rae said and iain nodded as eh lead ehr over to the bed and lowered her onto it. He climbed onto of her and kissed her as rae started to undress him. After they both stripped Rae pulled iain to her "hold on" iain said as he grabbed a condom off of the side and slid it on before he grabbed rae's hips and pulled her close to him. He pushed into her and rae moaned as he started to move in and out of her, she knew that at this moment that this was what she needed. Its what she wanted, iain. Afterall he was all that she had now.

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