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Rae woke up and rolled over in bed and frowned as she realised that Iain wasn't there. She stood from the bed and grabbed one of Iain's tops and slid it over her. She walked out of the bedroom and walked to the doorway of faiths nursery and smiled as she looked to him as she tended to her. She looked to him and smiled as she thought of just how great that he was with her. She knew that he was a great dad and he looked faith so much and Rae loved him for that. Iain spotted Rae and turned to face her and smiled. He frowned as he saw that she wasn't herself.

Iain walked over to her as he held faith who was watching Iain with interest. Iain looked to Rae and smiled as he placed a hand on her arm and smiled. "I know that your scared, but I promise that things will be okay" he said as he leant in and kissed her. Rae looked to Iain and smiled as she looked down at faith and smiled as Iain pulled her close and smiled. Iain knew that he wanted them to be a happy and wanted to prove to Rae what she meant to him.


Rae and Iain n got to work. Iain took faith from her and smiled "I'll go and take her to the crèche" he said as Rae nodded. She spotted Lexi who stood with cal as they stood kissing. Rae stood walking past and smirked to them "use protection" Rae said as Lexi pulled away and smirked to her before she kissed cal one more time and walked over to Rae. "How's things going?" Rae asked as Lexi looked to her and smiled "good, really good actually" Lexi said.

Later that day, Rae stood in the ED and saw Iain as he came in with a call out. She looked to him and smiled "well I could get use to this, being greeted by the beautiful doctor" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "behave" Rae said as Iain looked to her and chuckled as he help her get the patient onto the bed. Iain looked to her and smirked. He knew what a great person that Rae was and smiled. He couldn't help but look and watch her as she work "Iain, are you coming" Dixie said as Iain looked to her and smiled as she pulled him out of his trance "coming" Iain said as he walked out of resus.


Rae walked out of the ED and smiled as she spotted Lexi. She could tell that there was something up with her. She looked sat next to her and smiled "what's up?" She asked as Lexi looked to her and smiled "I don't know what I'm doing, I like cal and I like Ethan and I don't know what to do, I don't want to come between them both" Lexi said as Rae looked to her and smiled "you will know when you know, it will be okay and you won't come between them both, I promise you" Rae said as Lexi looked to her and smiled "thanks" she said as Lexi nodded.

Later that night, Rae walked into the pub with Lexi and frowned as the room went quiet "what's going on?" Rae asked as she saw Iain walk over to her and started to sing to her. She placed a hand over her mouth, feeling embarrassed at his goofiness and trying not to laugh as he walked over to her and smiled "Rae, I have loved you for so long that I can't explain it, i love how kind you are and that your a goof and I love that you are the mother of my child, which is why I want you to spend the rest of my life with you" He said as he got down on one knee and pulled a ring out and smiled to her "will you marry me?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled "yes" Rae said as Iain looked to her and grinned as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close and kissed her.

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