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"if you look who it is, did you get my gifts" Simon asked as he pointed the gun at rae "I should of done this years ago" Simon said as Iain pushed rae out of the way as Iain walked off over to Iain fighting the gun off of Simon and A gun shot went off.

Iain watched as Simon fired the gun. "Rae" Iain called as he ran in front of her and knocked her to the ground before he fell to the ground as the bullet hit him. "NO!" Rae yelled as she ran over to Iain, she placed a hand on his bullet wound. Tears ran down her face, iain looked up her and smiled as jse pulled out her phone and called an ambulance. "I love you" Iain said as he clutched her bloody hand she had on his chest as she tried to stop the bleeding "no, don't you say that. Don't talk like that. You can tell me again when we get you saved" rae said and Iain smiled. He was loosing a lot of blood "we need to stop the bleeding" rae said as she looked for something to stop the bleeding. She signed and pulled off her best top and placed it on the bullet wound

Iain smirked at her chest "I always love a girl that's willing to strip for me" Iain said and rae smirked "your going to be okay. I promise Iain, I won't loose you" she said. She looked up to see Simon had ran off, she hasn't realized he had left. Rae brushed her hair out of her dace. She needed to make sure Iain was awake, she. Oukdnt loose him not when she had only met him "your the most important person to me, you now that baby" Iain said. Rae looked to him, deep on the eyes as he tears fell down hers. She couldn't loose her it would break her.

Iain was scared, he didn't want to loose rae but he was loosing a lot of blood. His eyes started to close "oi don't close your eyes on me" rae said and Iain smirked "I'll take my bra off if you keep them open" Iain opened his eyes and smirked "if you keep them open" rae said as she placed one hand on his wound and ran a hand through his hair. He smiled at her "I love you" is in said and rae smiled as she leant in and kissed him "I love you too, Iain dean. Your my hero" rae said " I'd do anything for you, I'd go to the end of the earth for you, run a thousand miles all for you, because you are my girl, the love of my life" iain said, his eyes started to close again "Iain...Iain?" Rae cold, she noticed how cold his skin was and how pale he looked "baby?" Rae said sobbing, as jez and another paramedic came in "oh my god, what happened?" Jez asked "he saved me, my ex, jw shot him. I tried to stop the bleeding but there was too much blood" rae said crying "its okay. We'll save him" jez said. Rae sat next to Iain in the ambulance, she held his hand all she wanted was for him to be okay, she would never forgive herself otherwise.

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