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Rae woke up and ran her hands through her hair and glanced around to see clothes lying around her bedroom floor, she noticed that she was naked and glanced to see that Iain was in bed next to her "shit" rae said as she lay back on to the bed and ran her hands through her hair. She knew she had a lot to drink, but she knew that Iain was differently, part of her was scared to get close to him, in case he hurt her like Simon. "Hey, you okay" is in asked her and rae turned to face him, placing a hand on his cheek "you know I'm not the type of girl to sleep with those I work with" rae said and Iain smirked "I'm not the type to fall into bed with anyone" Iain said and rae smirked at him "really, no what I've heard" rae said and Iain smirked at her "what have you heard" "that you like to have a woman in her bed" rae said as in rolled over so that he was on top of her "yeah, I'd rather have you in bed with me Dr wilson" "do you now Mr dean" rae said as she kissed him, Iain's hand traveled down her body as she flinched "what" "nothing" rae said before Iain frowned and pulled back the cover looking to the fading bruises on her ribs "what happened" iain asked "my ex, he use to beat me" "what, no man should touch a woman, tell me where he is and I'll sort him out" Iain said and rae smiled "don't, he's gone" rae said as she kissed Iain.

Iain and rae walked to work, hand in hand, rae felt happy for once and she never felt this happy in a long time not since she first met Simon, when he was the Simon she fell in love with. Rae and Iain sent off the separate ways as rae walked into the ED as Iain went off on a call out. Cal walked over to rae as rae was doing her cheeks "ah doctor Wilson, I see you have a very noticeable love bite on you neck, who's the lucky fella" cal asked and rae placed a hand on her neck forgetting about the love bite Iain had gave her this morning. "Who's the lucky fella? Anyone we know" cal asked "maybe a girl doesn't kiss and tell" rae said as she walked away from a patient, cal followed her "whoever he is, he's a lucky fella getting to share a bed with you" cak said "are you flirting with me, Dr knight" raebasked " maybe" cal said and rae shook her head as Iain watched from the other side of the ED he felt jealous and protective of her, even though they weren't officially he didn't like the thought of anyone looking at her.

Rae walked outside as she spotted ain, drinking a coffee. She bit her lip as she eyed him up and snuck up behind him squeezing his butt "alright sweet cheeks" rae said causing Iain to jump and spill his coffee "ah that really hurt" Iain said as rae started to laugh "its not funny, it really hurt" Iain said "get it under the tap then" rae said "alright, if you meet me st the ambulance station later on your break" Iain said and rae smirked "I'll see what I can do" she said as cal waked over "rae, come on" "coming" rae said "you will be later, I don't like the way he looks at you""like I don't like the way he keeps asking who gave me a love bite" rae said smirking and walking off. As Dixie walked out of the hospital as rae walked off "alright mate" she asked is in "yeah...no I have a bit of a headache I might try and get a bit of quiet time later" Iain said "you alright" "yeah it will pass" Iain said glancing in the direction rae had walked in.

Rae walked over to the ambulance station on her break and met up with Iain "hi" she said as he walked over to her placing a hand on her hip " hi" he said as he backed her into the office kissing her. Rae stood between his legs as Iain sat on the desk, when the door opened and Dixie walked in "oh god" she saidb"I was just showing rae here err" Iain said "I don't care what you were showing her keep it in your trousers and not in here" Dixie said walking back out as rae lomed at is in before they started laughing "busted" iain said "yeah...busted" rae said as she walked back over to him and kissed him as he ran his hands down her thigh "you look hot in scrubs" Iain said "shut up" rae said "Iain, call out there's been a fight" Dixie said walking back in "that's my call princess, see you later" he said pecking her lips

Rae headed back to work, part of her missing Iain. When she spotted him and Dixie rolling  into the ED. Rae smiled to him and walked over to the patient and froze as she saw who it was, the last person she ever wanted to see her ex, Simon. Rae felt as if she was going to be sick "hi liv, thought you could except me huh" Simon said and Iain walked over "who's liv, rae" he asked " I am" rae aoad before she walked off, she couldn't face it all, just when she was getting over her past it come back to bite her

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