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Rae knew how she and Kate had been getting to know one another. It hadn't been easy as Rae felt like her whole life had been one big lie.

She knew it wasn't her mum's fault. But she felt as though she couldn't trust anyone. She was trying her hardest to make it work for her.

Iain had been her rock lately. And she didn't know what she would do if she didn't have him. She felt as though he was the only one who had her back.

She knew that she was struggling to come to terms with all that had happened. It wasn't easy at all. And she felt as though she needed to escape from it all.

She wanted to go on holiday away from everything and everyone. She just needed some time to adjust to everything that had happened.

Iain was worried about her. He had seen how quiet and withdrawn she had been. He didn't want that for her. He wanted her to be happy. He could tell she wasn't though. He didn't blame her. Her life had been flipped upside down. 

He just wanted to make her life a little better. But he didn't know how. He knew that he needed to find out what had happened from Kate herself. And to get answers on how to make her happy.

All that both of them knew was that things weren't the same as they used to be. And things weren't as simple.

Morning came and so Rae woke in bed next to Iain. He wrapped an arm around her and smiled. "I know you've been through a lot lately. But you know I'm here for you. You can talk to me about anything," he said.

"I know. I just... I don't know. I feel like my whole life is one big mess. I look at everything I've been through and I'm thinking to myself... why?" Rae said.

Iain smiled. "It's because you're amazing babe. You deal with so much. And you can make it work. I know you can. Talk to your mum. Get some answers."

Rae sighed. She looked to him. "I've gotten all the answers I could need and want. I don't blame her. It wasn't her fault. But I feel like why me?"

"Babe. No one can answer this apart from the bitch who took you. She's the only one who can give you the answers you need and want," Iain said.

Rae knew how Iain was right. But she didn't know how to go about it all.

Rae went into work. Iain had taken the day off. She walked over to Lexi and saw her flirting with Sam. "What's going on there?" She asked.

Lexi smiled. "Oh! Nothing. Just talking is all. Is everything okay?" She asked as she turned to her.

Rae shook her head and sighed. "Not really. I'm finding this so hard. I need answers. But I don't know how to go about getting them. I feel like it's all too much," she said.

Lexi smiled and nodded. She knew how her sister was struggling with everything that had happened recently. She didn't blame her. She knew her life had changed.

Lexi looked to her. "Maybe talk to Mum? I mean she was the only one who knows what happened. I'm sure she's given you the best answers she could."

Rae sighed and nodded. She knew that things were hard for her. And she just didn't know how to handle it.

She just wanted her life to go back to how it used to be. Before all of the complications.

Iain knew why he had taken the day off. He wanted to help Rae. He wanted to get the answers she needed. He could see it was driving her mad. And he didn't want to see the woman he loved feeling so broken.

But with Iain on a quest for answers, would he like what he found out?

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