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Rae's head was a mess. She knew how Kate had told her she had been kidnapped as a baby. But she felt like it was just too messy. She didn't know what to think at all.

Rae knew how she wanted to talk to Kate again. To find out some more information about her life before she was taken. But she was worried. Worried that it would all get too much for her.

She was scared of how she wouldn't like what she was hearing. She wouldn't cope if her life got messed up some more.

When she woke that morning, she sighed and sat in bed. Iain was working a double so she was alone. She hated how she was feeling. But she couldn't tell anyone how she was feeling. She was worried they wouldn't understand.

Rae quickly got dressed and sighed as she made her way into the kitchen. She made herself a coffee and sighed.

Rae wasn't hungry. She didn't fancy eating. She hadn't felt like eating much since this whole thing had happened.

She felt like she was a shell of her former self. And she hated it. She hated how broken she had become. It wasn't her.

She knew how everything was just becoming more messy.

Rae went into work. She saw Lexi and walked over to her. "Hey."

Lexi turned to her. "Hey. How you feeling? I know all of this hasn't been easy for you. And I am worried about you."

Rae sighed. "I'm honestly feeling like such a mess right now. I don't know how to deal with any of this. It's not easy. Everything just feels so... complicated."

Lexi took her hand. She smiled. "I know how messy it is. But mum does want to get to know you. She says she needs to make up for last time," she told her.

"I want to know her too. But I just feel like maybe it's too late," Rae mumbled as she looked to her.

"I get that. Don't worry about it. I know it's not always going to be okay. But you've got a sister who loves you. And a mum who loves you too," Lexi told her.

Rae smiled. She knew how messy everything was. She knew she wanted go get to know her mum. But she was scared at the same time.

Rae sighed as she walked into the ambulance bay. She looked to see Iain. "Hey babe," she said as she walked over to him.

Iain pulled her close and smiled. "You okay?" He asked as he kissed her.

Rae nodded and sighed. She sat in the back of the ambulance. She looked to him. "Everything is just so messy at the moment. I just feel like my whole life has been flipped upside down. And I hate it. I have a mum who loves me. And wants to get to know me,"she mumbled.

Iain sat with her. He took her hand. He smiled. "Only you can make choices like that. You've had a big shock recently. You're the only one who can make choices. Okay?"

Rae nodded and smiled. But she had no idea how everything was just about to get so much more complicated and messy.

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