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Lexi walked down the hallway and sighed. She was walking in the upstairs corridor. She was looking for Rae. She was worried about Rae. Her ex had run off somewhere and Lexi was concerned that he had gotten to Rae. Lexi sighed as she pulled her phone out from her jeans pocket and rang Rae. She frowned as she heard the sound of a phone vibrating. She walked around a corner and frowned as she saw blood ad a lot of it. She shut her phone off and felt sick to her stomach as she saw Rae who had a knife in her back, she had been stabbed and was losing a lot of blood. Lexi ran over to Rae and frowned as she noticed that she had fallen on her front. "Oh go...no" Lexi said as she looked at just how much blood that she had lost just as max came around the corner. Lexi looked at him "max, get a trolley quickly" Lexi said as she ran a hand through her hair. Lexi watched as Rae was lifted onto a trolley and rushed off to resus.

Lexi rushed into resus and watched as Connie worked on Rae "how far along is she Lexi?" Connie asked as Lexi frowned "29 weeks I think, could be just a bit less" Lexi said as Connie nodded. Rae was turned on her side as they tried to find a baby's heartbeat. Cal walked over to Lexi "maybe you should find Iain" Cal said "in a minute" Lexi said as Cal sighed. Lexi sighed in relief as the faint sound of a heartbeat was found "there's a heartbeat, but we need to get this baby out now and try and safe Rae" Connie said "I'll go and get Iain" Lexi said as she ran out of resus and off towards the ambulance bay. She spitted Iain who had just gotten back for ma call out "Iain, quick its Rae" Lexi said as Iain looked at her and frowned "what is it?" He asked "her ex turned up, he stabbed he, he's lost a lot of blood and your baby is going to be delivered by C-section you need to come" Lexi said as she and lain rushed back to resus. Iain stood and watched as his girlfriend was rushed to surgery. He walked off with her. The knife was removed from her back but she was still critical. Iain changed into scrubs and watched as his baby was delivered and rushed off to the intensive care unit.


Iain stood outside of the Critical car unit as he looked towards his baby. She was so small. "she's beautiful" Lexi said as she stood next to Iain who smiled "just like he mother" "raes fine, Iain, she's been took upstairs and she's going to be fine, she just needs some rest she probably wants to meet her daughter, she's blaming herself" Lexi said as Iain looked to her and frowned "it's not her fault" "I know, she wants to see you, I'll keep an eye out on baby dean" Lexi said "faith, her name is faith" Iain said as Lexi smiled "it's beautiful" Lexi said as Iain walked off towards Raes hospital room.

She lay in bed and smiled to him as he walked in "how is she?" Rae asked "perfect, she just needs to grow some more, she's a fighter" Iain said as he took a seat next to her. He showed her a picture on his phone and she smiled as tears ran down her face "it's okay, this isn't your fault" Iain said as he wiped the tears away from her face. She looked to him and smiled "I thought we could call her faith?" Iain asked as Rae nodded "faith- Alexis, after Lexi she's saved my life" Rae said as Iain smiled "it's perfect" He said as he smiled to him and cuddled into her chest "we're going to be okay, aren't we?" Rae asked "we are" Iain said as he looked down at her before he leant in and brushed his lips against hers.

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