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Rae sighed as she looked to the test and sighed as she seen hat it was positive, She felt as if she and Iain had been trying for a baby forever. She felt as if they were getting no where. Rae ran a hand through her hair and sighed as she walked into the bedroom. She spotted Iain was still lying in bed "alright?" he asked and Rae sighed "negative" Rae said as Iain smiled "come here" he said as Rae walked over and sat on the end of the bed. Iain pulled Rae to him so that she was straddling his lap "it will happen for us Rae, I know it hasn't happened yet, but it has only been a few months, we will have the baby we want" Iain said as he placed a hand on her cheek. Rae smiled as she leant in and kissed him. Iain pulled Rae closer to him and she looked down at him and smirked  "we have time before work" Iain said and Rae smirked as he flipped her so that she was on her back. Rae looked to Iain as his hands ran down her body. Rae smirked to Iain as he pulled the shorts she was wearing off of her and threw them across the room before he pushed into her. Rae moaned as he started to move in and out of her.


Rae and Iain got to work and Rae smiled to Iain "see you later" Iain said and Rae smiled as she tied up her hair. Iain kissed her cheek and she smiled. "ill see you later, love you" Rae said and Iain smirked to her. Rae walked over to cubicals and started to treat a patient, she smiled "im doctor Wilson, ill be treating you" Rae said.


Rae went off on a coffee break, she spotted Iain standing by the entrance to the Ed. She smirked to himself as she snuck up behind him "hello sexy" she said as she slapped his butt, causing him to jump and spill the coffee that he had in his hand, burning his hand. "are you alright?" Rae asked "yeah" "you better get it under the tap" Rae said smirking slightly "its not funny, it really hurts" Iain said as Rae tried not to laugh "sorry" she said "i might forgive me, if you meet me in the ambulance station in say, five minutes" Iain said and Rae smirked "alright, ill see you there" Rae said as she walked off, smirking over her shoulder to Iain.

Rae walked into the ambulance station and she smirked as she seen Iain "hi" she said as he grabbed her waist and pulled her against him "so, this is what you wanted" Rae asked as she kissed Iain. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smirked into the kiss "we'll do you want a baby or not?" Iain asked as he glanced to an empty ambulance. Rae smirked "are you serious?" "damn right, how long have you got" "ten minutes" "well that's more than enough time" Iain said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards an empty ambulance "its a good job I love you" Rae said as Iain lay her down in the back of an ambulance. Iain smiled as he lay her down and pulled her scrubs off of her, Rae smirked as her hand slid into Iain's pants, he smirked to her as he kissed her before he moved slightly so that he pulled his hardened member out of her boxers ad pushed into Rae. She groaned ad she dug her nails into his shoulders as eh moved in and out of her. Iain kissed her neck as he did so, she couldn't help think of just how happy she was, little did she know of how her world would soon come crashing down.

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