Chapter 4: The 57th Expedition, Part I

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 In the month following our acceptance ceremony, Eren underwent various experiments carried out by squad leader Hange. Us, the new recruits, went through vigorous training, so that we could get accustomed to the strategy used in expeditions beyond the walls, which included a specific formation for all squads, and the use of signal flares for communication between each team.

With Trost's Gate having been sealed permanently, the Scouts had to use another gate to exit the safety of Wall Rose- in our case, it was through Calaneth District.

We all gathered at the gate first thing in the morning- it was a bit cold but the slight breeze felt refreshing as it came into contact with my bare face. I took a brief moment to brace myself for what I was about to experience. It had been almost a month since I last saw a Titan, and though I could never forget their atrocious faces, I wish I could. I just wished everything would go smoothly this time; obviously, that was an understatement, as there was no such thing as an expedition being carried out with no casualties, but one could hope.

Soon enough, I was joined by the rest of the people of my squad, including Jean. Us rookies were separated into teams that were responsible for supplies and spare horses, except for Eren of course, who was part of the Special Operations Squad.

"Nerve wracking, isn't it?" Jean almost whispered as his horse halted next to mine whilst he was looking at the gate ahead of us.

"Yes, I couldn't really sleep last night, though I doubt anyone else did." I confessed.

"We're lucky we're on the same squad." He pointed out, and despite the anxiety that took over me, I couldn't help but smile a little.

"So that I can save your ass before you fall off that high horse of yours?" I joked as I glanced over at him.

"You wish" he muttered as he looked away, embarrassed from my lame attempt at being humorous.

"For real though...Please be careful. It's our first time outside and I don't want you dying on me from day one." I said, serious this time.

"Same goes to you..." He nodded at me, and at that point, commander Erwin Smith declared that the 57th Expedition was about to begin.

Everything went smoothly at first- few sightings of Titans, which were all annihilated by the outer squad successfully. I was beginning to get my hopes up- maybe this wasn't that bad after all, and maybe we could all just pull through this and return home safely, in one piece.

Of course, that wasn't the case. After a short while, a horde of Titans approached the frontal right flank of the formation, and slaughtered the squad Leader, and most of its members.

An abnormal titan appeared; female one, to be precise.

Jean and I were riding on horseback when we spotted Armin and Reiner, the latter having saved the first one from a near death contact with the abnormal Titan. Jean fired a signal flare to make the presence of the Female Titan known, and as we continued in pursuit, Armin explained to us his theory, according to which the Female Titan was after Eren; and because of that, we all decided it was our duty to delay her from finding out his exact location.

When we engaged in combat with the Titan, Armin was quickly dismounted, leaving Jean, Reiner and me to fight her. Though, I found it peculiar, when Armin yelled that Eren had been killed, the titan halted its movements. I took the opportunity and went in for a hit, but her reflexes were quick and with her huge hand, she pushed me away, and I fell to the harsh ground.

My vision went black and all I could remember was Jean yelling my name in the distance, when I finally lost my consciousness.

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