Chapter 16.2: To My Beloved Ghost

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Dear Marco,

To be frank with you, I know I probably shouldn't be writing this, for there's no possible way for you to receive it. Irrespective of that, I wish to continue.

​​​​​​How I wish you were here right now; maybe you could help me to figure out this mess I've put myself into.

Talk some sense into the both of us, like you always used to.

I think you would understand why I decided to keep this secret from you, and I wish I could have told you. I didn't mean to keep it a secret, I would reveal it eventually, when the timing was right.

I just wish you were here, to tell me if Jean is mad at me -though we both know he probably is- like you always used to do.

And when I saw that drawing of you, my heart fluttered. It was nice to see your face, instead of that horrifying image that had replaced all I could remember of you inside my head.

Why did you have to leave us so early, Marco?

At least I know that you're probably with my brother right now; I miss you two dearly. And if that's in the plans for me, maybe I'll join you two soon. If not, then I'm sorry. You'll have to wait a bit longer.

{I do wish it's the latter though; I still have some things to take care of, as you've come to understand, and I can't leave without doing so.}

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