Bonus Chapters {1. Blue is the color of dreams}

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She is twelve when she first sees him in her dreams -or memories, as she would later call them.

Amongst other faces that she couldn't recall at all, he sat at the table in front of her, leaning his head on his palm in a bored manner. His eyes travelling to another girl, and despite not being able to see her face, she knew she must have been pretty.

She is twelve when it's revealed in those dreams, that the blue of the sky, is primarily the color of youth and friendship.

A tear had rolled down her cheek at breakfast that day; her mother asked her what was wrong, but she replied she didn't know why she was crying.

The dreams would visit her frequently every other day, each one unlocking a different memory hidden in the crooks of her mind she seemed to had forgotten about.

The night of her fifteenth birthday, she is visited by a rather gruesome dream- the loss of a person really important to her and him. But she can't recall that person's face, she just knows they used to be one of her best friends.

"What's wrong?" Asked Sasha, her best friend since kindergarten, as she saw her wipe some stray tears from her face. They'd have a sleepover to celebrate her birthday, and everything was fine, they'd have lots of fun, up until that moment when they woke up next morning.

"It's... These dreams again."

So, at fifteen, she learns that sometimes, blue, as in the nightsky, in its darker hues, is the color of loss and unexplainable void.

She is sixteen when she first sees him in her dreams, in a different light- underneath the nightsky, in front of the ocean, the endless blue reflected on both their faces.

'What... Am I to you?', 'Everything.'

She realizes at sixteen, that blue, in its fiercely vibrant hues, is essentially, the color of love.

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