Chapter 25: Sunset

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Being in a relationship with Jean, was interesting to say the least; the guy was pretty reserved and awkward sometimes, and that might come off strange or unusual, since he did try to seem all laid back if front of people -especially in front of a certain brunette, but that's another story- and I could understand why. We may have been friends for a considerable amount of time, but this whole thing was new to both of us, so it would take time to eventually get used to it. I didn't mind, though.

When it comes to telling the others, we didn't really have to- they were able to put the pieces together on their own. Sasha said that she knew the moment she saw us asleep on my bed that night- we were 'too close' according to her, which differentiated this time from the previous ones were we had fallen asleep next to one another.

That being said, they were all rather supportive- well, as much as one can be, for Sasha and Connie teased us relentlessly whenever they had the chance to do so, making both me and Jean flustered, the latter always quick to defend himself.

In public sight, much to Jean's dismay, the showcase of affection was kept to a minimum. We were soldiers after all, and I don't think it would be too wise to be vulnerable in front of the new recruits. And even if situation allowed it, we were both busy helping around, so it was a rare phenomenon. Still, the occasional arm thrown around my shoulders, or a few stolen kisses here and there when no one else was looking were not absent.

"You're leaving again?" Sasha whined as I changed into normal clothes, disregarding my uniform after a long, strenuous day of running errands with Hange.

"I will be back in a bit, it's not like I'm abandoning you." I smiled at her, sprawled on her bed, munching on a loaf of bread she had kind of stolen from Niccolo's food supplies earlier. I guess even with the fanciest of meals, she would always go back to her old habits.

"Yeah just hurry up and get back we have so many things to do, that horseface is distracting you."

"He's not distracting me, plus, what else do we have to do? It's already evening." I questioned her.

"Uh... I don't know... Like talk about the new recruits with Mikasa? Maybe raid the food supplies-"

"You don't need to raid the kitchen Sasha. Just ask Niccolo for food." Said Mikasa who just entered the room.

"She's right." I shook my head, getting ready to leave.

"I'll see you girls in a bit." I waved at them, leaving.


"Hey Connie." I said to him, entering his shared room with Jean, who was absent at the moment.

"What's up, (Y/n)? Looking for horseface?" He replied, with his hands behind his head, as he laid on his bed.

"He doesn't even look like a horse," I rolled my eyes at his comment, "You seriously need to let that joke go, don't you think? Maybe you should stop hanging out with Eren that much..." I chuckled.

"Eren was a wise man, I'll give him that."

"He's... Kinda distant now, isn't he? I mean we never were that close to begin with... But lately he's kinda off... He's not acting the same, not even around Mikasa and Armin and it's kind of bugging me." I confessed, sitting on Jean's empty bed.

"It seems like he's going through a middle life crisis."

"At almost seventeen?" I scoffed.

"I mean he does have a shortened life span... Maybe he's going through that earlier than the rest of us."

"I hate that this makes sense and that you're right, Connie." I sighed in defeat.

"I swear if Floch doesn't shut up for once I-" Jean said furiously as he entered the room stopping his tracks once he saw me, "Oh. You're here." His gaze softened momentarily.

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