Chapter 14: Rise

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The plan devised by Erwin was controversial. It involved risking the citizens of Orvud District, in order to take down Rod Reiss. As a result, a lot of the others in the briefing room expressed their opposition.

"What the hell are you thinking, Erwin? We can't just let them there, they need to evacuate the District as soon as possible!" A Garrison soldier yelled at the Commander, grabbing him firmly by his jacket.

"That titan is an abnormal." Hange intervened.

"Yeah, and what the hell does that even mean?" The man protested.

"It behaves strangely. Unlike most titans we encounter, it's only attracted to large groups of people. Hence the word 'abnormal'. To put it simply, given the choice between a few soldiers right next to it, and a distant, but largely populated city, it will choose the city. So if we were to evacuate Orvud's population to wall Sina right now, the Titan would change its course. Destroying the wall and anything else in its path. Eren already tried to use his newly found ability to control titans, but Rod Reiss didn't react in any way." The Section Commander explained thoroughly.

"If we have to stop this thing, it will be outside the walls of Orvud District. For that to happen, we require that the citizens act as bait. Our duty as soldiers still stands; we have to protect the people. If, the situation unravels in a way where we cannot stop the attack, we will take all required measures to ensure minimum civilian loses. An evacuation drill will be practiced tonight." The commander resumed.

"It seems there's no other way." The Garrison soldier caved in.

"The Titan's body is the biggest one we have seen; our cannons won't affect it. The scout regiment will put our lives on the line." Erwin said confidently.


Smoke appeared, as we examined our current situation from the top of the wall. Soon enough, Rod Reiss' titan form appeared in the distance; getting closer and closer to Orvud District.

"That thing sure looks even scarier in broad daylight." I murmured.

"It's hideous." Jean told me, as the canons resumed firing.

"It appears that the ground cannons were ineffective." The commander inhaled deeply.

"It makes sense. The ones on the wall have a better angle than the ones on the ground. Still, they didn't do shit to it either. What's the problem?" Levi inquired.

"Unprepared soldiers. The Titans always attack from the south. Not only is this the northern Garrison, it's the interior. Therefore, I tell you that in fact, this is the best we will get." Erwin answered.

"Yeah, which makes your strategy a gamble. Just like every other plan that you've come up with." Levi persisted. It felt as if they were an old married couple, bickering with each other.

"Erwin! I've brought all the goodies I could find! Gunpowder, netting, you name it!" Hange appeared, walking with a few soldiers holding said items.

"Captain Levi, Jean, Sasha and Connie, you handle that side!" The commander said to them.

"Yes sir!" They all replied in unison and began to run towards the directed area. I spared Jean a last glance and went my own way, along with the Shiganshina Trio and section commander Hange.

"How should we approach this? Just think you're wrapping up a nice gift for someone special!" Hange said as they scratched their chin, looking at all the ingredients before us.

"Wrapping up meat for Sasha..." I muttered, earning a chuckle from Armin.

Time passed smoothly as we kept stacking barrels on top of each other, while others tied the knots. I was placing yet another barrel on the stack, when Mikasa noticed Eren slacking; looking at the city in front of us.

"Eren, were lacking out of time here. Keep your hands busy." She reprimanded him, not sternly though, but what came next surprised all of us;

Eren started beating himself up; punch after punch, aiming at his face.

"Eren! Stop!" Mikasa shouted as she grabbed his hands to prevent him from hurting himself more.

"Were you trying to make a wound? It's too early for that!" Armin asked him.

"No, I just... Wanted to beat the shit out of a useless brat real quick..He's dead and gone now." He replied, with a rather grim expression on his face.

I didn't interfere; truth be told, I resonated with those words myself sometimes.


As the Garrison soldiers were firing at the enormous titan in front of the wall, we thought that we had chances of defeating Rod Reiss right then and there; his flesh had been pierced through, so it wouldn't be much of a hassle to pierce it even further. But then the direction of the wind changed, resulting in us being met with the Titan's hot fumes.

"Seems like this wasn't enough." Erwin said, but before he could give any further orders, it happened;

The Titan raised its arm and clutched the wall; it managed to get up, and both soldiers and citizens were met with the most gruesome sight my eyes had ever seen.

Having crawled for hours, its face was deformed, lacking skin, which left his skull hollow. His abdomen wasn't in any better shape, his organs spilling out, falling on the wall, and taking down several soldiers.

Now it was time for Eren to take up; he transformed, and after throwing buckets of water on our heads to cool down, we assumed positions, Armin and Sasha aiming our creations at the target. I looked at Jean briefly, to make sure he wasn't hurt, and he, in fact, wasn't; he was standing there, unharmed and determined.

"On my mark! Now!" Erwin shouted, firing a red signal, and thus Armin and Sasha released the carts, which pierced the Titan's wrists. It lost balance and Eren had enough time to throw the gunpowder inside of its mouth, which resulted in its explosion.

"Quick! Use your ODM gear to exterminate the piece connected to its nape! We cannot let it regenerate!" Erwin ordered us, and we all took off, slicing every piece we saw.

It was, quite ironically, Historia who sliced up its neck. I found it fitting to be honest. For years she had been mistreated, and this was her revenge. Her final act as a soldier, before she was crowned queen.


"Wait, you're doing it for real? It was just a stupid dare!" Eren protested as we walked through the hallway.

"I'm doing it." Historia replied; she was no longer a soldier, but the rightful ruler of the walls.

"But it was just a joke...Right, Mikasa?" Eren looked at this childhood friend, hoping to get her to agree with him. But no;

"After you've hit him, you should say this 'I dare you to hit me back'." She said to Historia.

"Really helpful... Seriously, if it's just a stupid grudge, let it go-" Eren argued again, but Historia cut him off.

"If I can't even do that, then how am I supposed to be a queen?" She said, with determination glistening in her blue eyes.

"That's the spirit!" Jean told her.

We all came to a stop when we spotted our captain. Historia, after a moment of apathy, mustered up all the courage she needed to punch him on the shoulder. The rest of the squad was surprised that she kept her word; I couldn't say I let myself show my true feelings, though.

Levi then, did something none of us had ever seen him do; he smiled. No longer that scowl, intimidating demeanor of his. No, it was a genuine smile.

"Thanks, you guys. I needed this."

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