Chapter 31: The Wine

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"It's you... But why are you here? I am busy with some very important guests..." Niccolo trailed off, looking almost irritated to see us at his restaurant.

"Yeah, it is fine. You can go back to work. We just wanted to talk to you, after you're done." Hange dismissed him with a curt of their hand.

"Talk to me? About what?" He sounded alarmed at this point.

"About the volunteers. We'd like to ask you some questions." Onyankopon said.

"Yeah, alright." He stiffened, but lead us to another room of the building.

"You can wait here until I am done." He showed us the room, which was quite fancy- nothing we were accustomed to.

"Oh, what a fancy room you've got there!" Hange pointed out.

"I bet its reserved for the MPs..." Connie said, looking around, his eyes glistening with curiosity.

"Huh? Is this the wine all the soldiers are gossiping about?!" Jean was quick to spot the liquor stacked away in the wine rack, probably reminiscing about the last time we were able to enjoy alcohol back in Marley, which had led to quite the eventful night, full of acts of stupidity.

"They say only higher ranks can get it!" He exclaimed and examined the bottle closely, taking it in his hands.

"Yeah? Aren't we high ranks in the Scouts?" Connie whined, approaching the slightly taller boy.

"Don't you think it would be inconsiderate to drink on the job, boys?" I told them with my arms crossed on my chest- weren't we the ones criticizing the other regiments for being almost always drunk while on duty?

"Come on (Y/n), after all this hard work, we surely deserve a bit of fun, too! A sip or two-" Jean tried to convince me, but he couldn't even finish his sentence, as Niccolo snatched the liquor forcefully from his grip.

"Don't touch that!" He said, and it took all of us by surprise.

"Chill out, Niccolo. We're just screwing around. No need to overreact..." Jean tried to prove his innocence.

"As if I'd let them have a drink anyways..." I muttered under my breath.

"This good stuff would be wasted on Eldians!" He spoke, and it would be a lie if I said I wasn't hurt by his words.

"Niccolo, you're still saying stuff like that? The booze don't give a damn what race we are!" Jean sounded a lot angrier now, yanking Niccolo by the collar of his shirt.

"Don't touch me, Eldian. Just because I've been nice doesn't make us pals." He spat vicious words out.

"Have you forgotten what you are? You're just a-"

"A filthy captive, huh? That makes us even, Eldian." Niccolo removed Jean's hand from his shirt and stormed off the room, not even sparing a last glance at us.

"I didn't expect that from him..." I said to Jean and Connie, the former gripping his hand.

"Me neither. I mean, what's his problem?" Connie said, still staring at the door the Marleyan left from.

"Damn it! Hell if I know." Jean murmured and turned away.


"Damn it! Come here, guys!" We heard Armin yell from the room Niccolo's guests were at.

"Huh? What's going on this time." I looked up to Jean who had the same puzzled look on his face, but shook it off as we hurriedly went to find Armin.

"The kid who shot Sasha!" Connie pointed to the girl- who in my books, resembled our late comrade a lot, ironically- as her nose bled onto the carpet.

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