Chapter 5: A sudden visitor

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 "It can't be; She's here too early!"
"Was she supposed to be here this soon?"
            "I don't think this was in the plans..."
                               "She's definitely arrived earlier than expected..."
 Voices echoed around me, and confusion took over my mind. I couldn't see  whom the voices belonged to, but I was sure there were more than 3 people. They all kept saying the same thing; someone had arrived earlier than expected.
"Who...Who is this?" I tried calling out.
Silence greeted me.
"Please...where am I? Who are you? What's going on?" I pleaded, for I was scared and confused at the same time.
A few moments passed, and then I heard a voice calling out to me;
"(Y/n)?" A familiar voice spoke up, and I jerked my head towards the direction of where I assumed it came from.
"Marco? Is that...Is that you?" Tears started building up in my eyes, it felt like ages since I last heard his voice.
"(Y/n), why are you here? Don't you think it's a bit too early?" He said, as he came closer and closer to me, and I could finally make out his form; it was blurry, as if he was made out of thin air, but still, he was there.
​​​​​​"I don't know how I came here...Then again..what is here?" I questioned, looking around at my surroundings, but I couldn't make out anything else- just Marco.
"You have to go back."
"Back to where? I don't understand you!"
"You had an injury (Y/n). You threw yourself at the Female Titan to protect Jean, Armin and Reiner, but she was quick enough to throw you off your feet. But don't belong here! Not just yet! Trust us and go!"  Said a girl, which then approached me and Marco and I figured out her identity; it was Mina Carolina, a fellow fallen comrade.
"Mina...?" I whispered. Why was I seeing my subordinates in this dream-state of mind? Was I really...dead?
"She's right (Y/n)... You can't give up right now...When Jean is alone. He needs you, the rest of the 104th need you. So pull yourself together once again and survive." Marco said, his voice soft as lace, as he looked deep into my eyes.
"Marco...I'm sorry...for not being there when you..." I trailed off. Was it any worth apologizing for something that was unchangeable? Probably not, but I would never forgive myself for that.
"It's not your fault (Y/n), and it's not Jean's either-"
"Whose is it then?" I asked impatiently- he tried to make me not feel guilty, but I still doubted the fact that his death was just a coincidence.
"You will learn, but to do that, you have to stay alive, okay?" He smiled at me.
"Okay..and how do I...go back?"
"You just have to concentrate on your breathing honey, then when you're ready, just open your eyes." A third voice exclaimed, although I had never talked to her again- she wasn't a part of the 104th corps. But oh how much she reminded me of a hotheaded boy. She looked just like Eren.
"I've got my mind on you. Take care of Jean, we will be waiting for you. Take your time." The freckled boy that I had last seen sprawled on the pavement in Trost said, and flashed me one of those reassuring smiles of his I had gone so long without seeing.
"We all will be waiting for you, (Y/n)!" A chord of voices, both familiar and unfamiliar exclaimed loudly.
"I won't disappoint you." I said at last, and opened my eyes.

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