Chapter 33: Subjects Of Ymir

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WARNING: The following chapters  contain events beyond Season 4 Part I(Manga chapters 117-139).

Looking at the ceiling with terrified expressions, we came to realize our island was being attacked by the Marleyan forces, while the troops who were supposed to protect it were restricted, unable to act on our own accords.

"It has begun... The Titans... Have started to move." Armin confirmed, eyes not taken off the ceiling.

"This is so frustrating... Hell is breaking loose and we can't do anything about it. I hate it so much." I clenched my jaw in discomfort, pacing back and forth impatiently.

The atmosphere felt heavy as we stood awaiting- for what, I didn't know. The future did look very gloom for us, that I can admit.

Compared to Marley's forces, our island was practically defenseless- even more so, now that we, the veterans of the Survey Corps were locked up, as well as numerous MPs and Garrison members for having consumed the poisoned wine. Not to mention Hange and Levi were nowhere to be found.

I am not so sure about how many more minutes had passed, until I heard the slight rattling noise coming from someone unlocking the gates. My eyes fell on the door, as Onyankopon, despite the things that had happened between us earlier, let us out.

"Onyankopon, what is going on outside?" Jean asked the man in front of him hastily, as he struggled to free us as soon as possible.

"The Marleyan army is attacking from the sky using airships! About five hundred soldiers, along with the Armor, the Jaw and the Cart Titan! Eren's taking all of them by himself!"

"What..?" We all looked surprised at him; Eren was defending us?

"He's fighting hard... But he can't fight forever! Marley will steal the founder from us! Please, you have to help! Let's defend Eren together!" He pleaded, finally opening the door fully.

As expected though, not all of us took that sentiment well; Connie rushed outside, grabbing Onyankopon by the collar, whilst shouting how he would never sacrifice himself again for someone who was in favor of the euthanization plan. It took a few minutes and Armin's intervention to convince everyone to concentrate at the matter at hand, so once we sorted things out, we rushed to free the rest of the prisoners.


"Listen up, all of you! We have a limited supply of vertical maneuvering gear! First priority goes to those without the black armbands! All of you, drunkards, who walked straight into the enemy's scheme, follow me! We will fight off the invaders on the front lines!" Commander Pyxis, sporting a black armband himself, instructed our joined forces.

We wasted no time putting our equipment on, gathering whatever weapons we had access to, making our way upstairs.

"Guys," I grabbed Connie's and Jean's sleeves before we had fully ascended, "Take care out there, okay?"

They looked back at me, bringing themselves to nod at me. Despite the chaos that unraveled ahead of us, I couldn't help but think of their well-being; wanting to make sure they made it out alive.

It was there, on the staircase, a few moments before stepping into the battlefield, that I felt like regressing back to my sixteen year old self, in the Shiganshina Battle.

'It's time you trusted yourself.' The sentence I had been told years ago echoing in my head. It was time I trusted myself once again.


"God damn it! There's too many of them! I can't get a clear shot!" I shouted at my comrades, as I hid behind a chimney in an attempt to shield myself from the stray bullets being fired our way.

"We can't get near Eren!" Jean replied, taking cover as well.

"Look! The Jaw!" Armin pointed at a spot, and I eyed it carefully.

"What the... Did they just shoot Zeke?" my eyes widened, as the Beast Titan rolled off the Walls, falling to its demise. He wasn't dead, we could tell.

"He's going to scream... Isn't he?" Connie murmured.


"We have to deal with the Cart first!" Armin warned us as the battle progressed further down.

"We need to handle the Marleyan soldiers first!" Mikasa said, leaping off the roof.

"This place isn't safe either! It's full of enemies!" Connie said as we all fled the area, Commander Pyxis instructing us to get behind the Marleyans in the distance.

Then, as we were carrying out his orders, it happened; that deafening scream. It echoed throughout the battlefield, making me grab my head desperately, trying to drown it out. Still, it was enough to transform those unlucky comrades of ours, who had given in to their temptations, into monsters we had been trained to assassinate back when we thought Titans were humanity's enemy.

A lot took place in a very small amount of time for me to grasp completely. Still, I saw it with my own eyes- Eren's head detaching from his body, as he was shot by Gabi, a weird-spine looking thing connected to his head, which was grabbed by the desperate hands of Zeke. So it happened; the inevitable contact of the Yeager Brothers.

What scared me the most though, was the Titan that began transforming almost immediately after. It seemed to be enormous, at first nothing more than a skeleton, but it looked threatening. I was confused, but I was aware of the rising emotion inside of me; fear.

I closed my eyes for a mere second, but when I reopened them, the skeletal Titan had grown bigger; so much bigger, that thing was. At least twice the height of the walls, and so big in length I was unable to see it fully. It seemed to extend for eternity. With eyes mirroring terror that I tried to contain, I eyed Jean, who seemed to be equally confused as the rest of us.

"I don't like this... At all." I said loudly enough for him to hear.

"Me too." He admitted, continuing to look at the bizarre sight in front of us.

"Jean, I lo-" Before I was able to form a proper sentence, I felt my surroundings change;

I found myself, along with other Eldians, sprawled across a deserted area, with sand on the ground. The sky was dark, but there was a source of light- a tree-like light, with its branches extending above our heads.

Hear me, all subjects of Ymir.

My name is Eren Yeager. I now speak to all the subjects of Ymir by the way of the Founding Titan's power.

Every wall on the island of Paradis has been undone.

All of the Titans buried within them have begun their march.

My goal...

Is to protect the people of Paradis, the land where I was born and raised.

But the world desires the extinction of the people of Paradis. Over the countless years, the world's hatred has grown beyond even the bounds of this island.

The people of the world surely will not stop until they have killed every last subject of Ymir.

I reject those wishes.

The Titans of the Walls will thunder across the world, to every land beyond this island.

Their rumbling feet... Will snuff out every life in those islands.

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