Chapter 7: Distress

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We were ordered to stay on the branches, making sure that no Titan entered the forest of the giant trees, for reasons unknown to us rookies. Still, we couldn't disobey orders, so we did as we were asked to.

I slid down the branch I was on, my knees feeling heavy and not strong enough to support my weight. Hours of fatigue had finally caught up to me, and I couldn't even look Jean in the eyes when he landed in front of me.

He crouched down in front of me.

"Let me see your arm." He stated monotonously.

"My what?" I was confused as to what he was referring to.

"Your arm..." He explained, motioning to my left arm.

I removed my cloak and rolled up my sleeve, only to expose my arm covered in bandages, with a fair amount of blood soaking it.

"You did this?" I asked him, since I was certain I hadn't patched myself up after I woke up, having no recollected thoughts of the events right after my fall.

"Oh. Yeah I wrapped it in a hurry, hence why it's not that good... That cut was nasty, didn't want you to get infected or anything. But by the looks of it, once we're back home you should get it checked at the infirmary. Seems like you'll be needing stiches." He told me as he replaced my bloody bandages with fresh ones.

I nodded at him and closed my eyes, we had managed to stay alive for a decent amount of time, maybe we could get home, but then again, expeditions outside the walls are always unpredictable. We could die any moment and not know it.


The same night, after we had managed to make it back to the walls with, unfortunately, a large number of casualties, Commander Erwin had gathered Armin, Mikasa, Jean and I, along with another cadet, and soon we joined Eren and Captain Levi at the mess hall of our base.

As we waited for the Commander to show up so that we could meet with Eren and the Captain, Jean took me aside for a moment, saying we needed to talk.

"Is your arm okay now?" He asked, clearly concerned.

"Yes, it's fine, the nurse gave me stiches so I should be okay once it fully heals." I said, looking up at his honey colored eyes.

"That's a relief." He nodded down at me.

"Hey, about earlier, during the expedition. I'm sorry. I didn't want to let my anger out at you, I was just frustrated with myself and you just happened to be there at the wrong time. I really need to work on my anger issues..." I said, looking at the floor beneath my feet.

"It's fine, I understand. I need to work on that as well." He chuckled lightly and ruffled my hair, earning a smile in the process.

"Come on, the Commander will be back soon." I said and began walking back to Mikasa and Armin.

"Sir!" Eren addressed the Commander once we entered the dimlit area, only to be taken aback by our accompanying the higher up.

"What are you guys doing here?" He continued after looking at us in slight disbelief.

"We believe we have uncovered the Female Titan's true identity. She won't get away this time." Said the Commander, sternly yet confidently.

"The day after tomorrow, we will be passing through Stohess district en route to the capital. That's when we'll strike." He started explaining the plan, once we were all seated at the table, a map of the area sprawled in front of us.

"Once we set foot in the capital Eren's custody will be passed on to the MPs, and permission to carry out expeditions beyond the walls will most likely be limited. We only have one chance. So, here's what we do; while in stohess we use eren as a bait, to get the target underneath this underground passage; the deeper, the better. If she transforms before reaching the tunnel however, it's your responsibility, Eren." Erwin explained, pausing slightly to make sure everyone was keeping up.

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