Chapter 19: Last Ones

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Third Person's Point Of View:

"Levi...Captain... I finally found you! It's the Commander... He's hurt... His insides were out... The blood won't stop! (Y/n), she asked me to bring him... To you, and inject him with that serum! What do you think?" Said Floch as he latched himself on the roof, out of breath.

Said person retreated the black box with the injection in it, and helped Floch lay down the commander, as Eren and Mikasa looked astonished.

"It's faint, but, he's still breathing." Levi confirmed as he checked Erwin's breaths.

"You know what needs to happen. Erwin gets the shot." He stated.

"You told me you'd use it on Armin!" Eren said in shock, as his childhood friend was dying a few meters away.

"I'm going to revive the person who will save humanity."

It was then that Mikasa drew her sword out, with tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"You two... Do you even have the faintest clue what you're doing? It's Erwin. The Commander of the Scouts. And you're telling me to watch him die?" Levi threatened them.

"Why didn't you give the injection to Armin right away?" Eren said, with tears building up in his own eyes.

"I was thinking about Erwin. I made (Y/n) watch over him and bring him back."

"There's no way you could have known they'd make it back alive." Eren reasoned.

"You're not wrong. Still, all that matters is that he's here now."

Eren tried to snatch the injection out of the Commander's hands, but he was unable to do so, getting himself punched in the process. Mikasa then tackled the Captain to the ground, threatening him with her sword.

"Captain. Please just let go." She growled.

"You're just being selfish!" Floch said.

"Shut up!" She shushed him.

"Do you think you're the only ones who suffered? You have no idea what happened back there! Everyone.... Everyone died! Crushed to bits by those boulders! I thought I was dead... But, I, the coward, was the only one to make it out alive... Or so I thought. Then I saw her, (Y/n), carrying the Commander on her back. She was drenched in blood, and still she didn't give up. I tried to persuade her into killing him right then and there, but then I didn't. Not because she asked me to bring him back, but because that man lead every soldier to their deaths! He's the devil himself! So, why should he rest now?" Floch broke down.

"Don't do it!" Levi yelled as Mikasa was about to attack the rookie; but then Hange, accompanied by Jean, Sasha and Connie landed on the roof.

"Don't tell me..." Jean whispered at the sight in front of him.

After Captain Levi ushered everyone away, instead of injecting Erwin, he injected Armin, who in turn turned into a mindless titan, devouring Berthold who was screaming for his comrades to save him, and thus inheriting the power of the Colossal Titan.


"If Floch and the Commander were the only survivors, does that mean that (Y/n)... Died?" Connie questioned, as the remaining Levi Squad sat on a rooftop.

"You're Jean, right? That's for you. She asked me to give it to you." Floch said and passed an envelope to the taller boy, with blood staining it slightly on its corners, as he landed next to them.

Jean stared down at the letter with wide eyes; a letter from her, for him, but she wasn't there to give it to him herself. Perhaps she'd never come back, and they'd never meet again.

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