Chapter 16: Collision

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"That's great! With this new weapon, we can easily fight titans without risking that much!" Marlowe said excitedly.

"You seem so damn excitable... You should know better than being this optimistic while joining the Scouts..." Jean said absent mindly.

"I think it's great, what you did. Standing up for your opinion and all." I tried to encourage Marlowe.

"That reminds me... Didn't Hitch try to convince you to stay an MP?" Sasha said, winking at Connie.

"Hitch? Oh yeah she did...." Marlowe said, blushing lightly at the thought of his friend.

"She's one thirsty girl... And you're a tall glass of water." Sasha joked further, snickering with Connie.

"Can't say that I follow. Hitch had told me off a lot of times before, and I told her I was wrong about her." Marlowe said, confused at the remarks.

"Asshole..." Jean muttered and I kicked his foot lightly under the table, earning a glare from him.

"Are you really that dumb Marlowe?" Armin said in disbelief.

"You're just like those new recruits with their hopes up... Having no battle experience." Jean said once again.

"Give me a break, you think you're some kind of veteran now?" A guy with a pretty questionable haircut from the table behind us said.

"I know I am, compared to you, at least." Jean said monotonously.

"That's rude. We were in the 104th, same as you, and besides, we're not the only ones excited. Everyone in the walls is. We're taking Wall Maria back after all! We're winning!" The guy said, his eyes full of hope.

"You think so?" Jean said unamused.

"What happened to all of you... There's something different...your faces.." The boy who I finally remembered from our trainee days said.

"More than you can imagine. Wanna know?" I said, looking at him unfazed.

"No... I'll ask another time..." He awkwardly said and left with his friends.

"Right, I'm out guys. See you later." Connie said and got up.

"What?" Sasha asked.

"Tomorrow's prep day, I was thinking of going back to my village. Maybe I'll find something new."

Admist our chit chat, Eren finally remembered who the man from his dad's memories were; our old instructor, Shadis. And so it was settled. We'd visit him first thing in the morning.

One by one, the mess hall began to empty. Jean got up before Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Marlowe and I left. I decided to follow him shortly after, eager to see that drawing of Marco he'd promised to show me earlier.

With a faint knock on the door, I let my presence be known. In a matter of seconds, it was opened. There he was, Jean, who was probably in the middle of changing clothes; his uniform pants being replaced with a pair of black ones, and that olive shirt of his with its buttons undone.

"Hey, should I leave?" I whispered, given the fact that Connie was asleep on his bed.

"Not it's fine, come in." He pushed the door further open, letting me in.

"So..where's that drawing of yours?" I said, crossing my arms around my chest as I leaned against the wall.

"Here..." He mumbled, opening a drawer and getting a sheet of paper out of what I assumed was his sketchbook.

He handed it over to me, and I took it gently out of his hold. And right there, on that yellow toned paper sheet, was Marco. And as much as Jean would deny it, it looked exactly like him; as if not even a freckle was missing from his face.

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