Chapter 28: Assassin's Bullet

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"Eren...You fall in a pile of shit?" The Captain said, as said boy climbed his way on the blimp;

"Captain.." He looked up at him, eyes dull.

The captain the proceeded to kick Eren, just like he had done during his court trial, all those years ago. Mikasa struggled to stop him, but Armin intervened, and with a pained expression, she gave in. I could only watch from the back, as it sank in deeper in my brain- Eren wasn't the same. Maybe he never was his true self, up until now. We may never know- what we do know, though, is that he was no longer the little Eren that roamed Shiganshina's streets with his lifelong companions, Mikasa and Armin.

"This brings back memories, Eren. You have such a kickable face. After you're all tied up, we'll have a chat."

"That's fine, but I explained everything in the letters. Did you not understand it?"

"That face... It reminds me of the rotten shits who lived underground. Never thought I'd see it on you. Cheer up, everything happened like you wanted." The captain said, his eyes filled with pure disgust.

"Sir, if you don't mind, I'll go check up on the others." I reluctantly said, and after being dismissed, walked into the other room, only to see our troops arriving. I scanned the area quickly, taking note that neither Jean, nor Connie or Sasha had yet arrived. I awaited patiently but the door, and soon saw them flying in.

"Here!" I said to Connie, offering my hand to him to take, and he did, followed by Sasha.

"Grab on!" They said to Jean who came by only a few minutes later.

I was relieved to see that my predictions were right; we had all managed to make it. I wouldn't have to worry about their whereabouts, as we were seperated.

"Who's left?" Jean asked as he crouched in front of us.

"Still waiting on Lima Squad..." Connie replied.

"As far as we know, there are six casualties." Sasha informed us.

"I see... Shit!" Jean said, feeling guilty, as the burden on his shoulders was bigger, for he was a Commanding Officer.

"Don't be too harsh on yourself, Jean..." I said, voice low.

"That's nothing compared to the damage we did! It's a huge victory! The New Eldian Empire's first battle ends in victory!" Floch yelled, fist raised up in the air, causing all the others to join him, "Tonight, we celebrate in honor of our six fallen heroes!"

As Connie got up and Sasha moved to guard the door with her riffle, I managed to get closer to Jean, and with a hand on his shoulder, I looked into his eyes as he did the same.

"I am glad you are here." Was all I said.

He pulled me into a hug for a mere second, but then pondered;

"First battle, huh? How many more till the fighting ends?"

"I don't know. Only thing I do know, is that we've got to keep going, we got ourselves into this mess and we have to figure out a way to get out. " I whispered, as if I was unsure of my answer.

"Anyways, I'm just glad we survived again. It's not very fair to the others, but you guys are special... To me." Connie said as he brought the three of us -Sasha, Jean and I- for a hug. I smiled at this interaction;

"I told you we would make it out alive, and I stand corrected." I looked up at him.

"That hurts, idiot. Don't hug us wearing hard-ass gear." Jean whined, prying Connie's arm off of him.

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