Chapter 29: The longest seven seconds; Part 13

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Then on the ninth of Maio Ace sent another paragraph;

[So I was just reminiscing about how we met, and when we met, and we met the fifteenth of Febbraio, the day after valentine's day,  I told you I liked you after quarantine started, and I asked you to be my girlfriend on April fools day, and if that isn't the most interesting and amazing way to meet the love of my life, I don't know what is, and not only that, but things I naturally despised, I began doing naturally, the whole no you hang up bit, or the fact that I could just sit and look at you, or how the highlight of my day will forever be talking to you, how I could just know your were there and feel a weird kind of ease and relaxation, the fact that I don't care about too soon, or telling you how much I love you, cause that's being to mushy for a guy, or how I admit I'm obsessed with you, which is a first and will forever be weird to say, or how I can't think of my days going back to not having you in them, I swear reminiscing or talking with people about love really gets you thinking you know. You sometimes meet that one special person, that makes you contradict all things you made important, the whole if the guy talks to the girl more he betrayed the bros, but honestly what's more enjoyable and great than just being in the presence of the person you love with all your heart, and well you're that person for me Aurora, you're the sunshine In my day, the rainbow after the rain, the lucky four leaf clover that you find once in your life time babe, you're a priceless diamond, a work of art, you're the definition of one in a million, and for me, you're the one and only, I love you so much, like words can't express it, nothing can express it actually, it's like, and to be cliche and a little cheezy, cause why not, it's like an infinite love I feel towards you, one that no matter what will ever cease, it may evolve into something more intricate, but it will never change the love I have for you can never regress, it can only increase, cause what good is loving someone, if not done whole heartedly, and with caution thrown to the wind, why love if you're not willing to delve to the deepest depths of the water, only to receive whatever lay there, be it a great pearl, or a great white shark, that of which you are both, because you will eat me alive, but you truly are a pearl, I love you babe, and I think I just might love you for the rest of my life]

[You know you always do these paragraphs and catch me off guard and I literally never know how to respond to them but I really do enjoy waking up to them. It makes me happy. You know I'm terrible at expressing myself and I'll probably never be able to express myself like how you do. But just know that I really appreciate everything you do and I love you. 'Also it's cute how everything you thought was stupid before, you're doing now.]

A few day later;

[So Aurora, I now realized, I've been making my so called vlogs for you, since like the twenty-eight of Marco and the Aron had that whole conversation with me about how you like me on like the twenty-fifth or the twenty-sixth so then I basically told you I liked you since like the twenty-second, and fun fact, when we both came to the conclusion that we liked each other, I thought we were together. But then you said something about how I haven't made anything official, you know, that I didn't ask you to be my girlfriend, so then that means, that from my perspective, we've been together since Marco the twenty-third or so, from your perspective and legally speaking we've been together since the first of Abril, because if I remember correctly, it was the night of I think the twenty-eight that you know you gave me the whole you know three month limit thingy, so basically speaking, I mentally was with you since the twenty-third of Marco, which is totally interesting, and I only remembered this because I saw we've sent each other over three hundred and something pictures already. However that's just an interesting fact, anyhow, I love you babe.]

[Awww, that's just adorable and oof that many pics?]

[Yep. And No, no, it is not adorable, I'm a big man and I'm never adorable.]

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