10.The siren

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"She walks on the streets late at night,never to be seen in sight
She sings the siren that woos every man
But one of them comes for love but not lust,the only man of power who can"

Birmingham the town of gypsies.People who believe in spirits and creatures.Their belief was real because there lied a girl who sings at night.She sings the siren.Her voice angelic and beautiful.People say that her beauty is one to die for.That she looks like a goddess from heaven.People tried to go in search of her but they never found her.

Not until one strong man went in search of her.Thomas Shelby.The king,the heir,the guru of Birmingham.He didn't believe in spirits,he wasn't a gypsy.But one day as he was alone in the garrison he heard her voice.

He was sitting alone in the whole bar as the clock striked 2:00.Something was keeping him awake and something was urging him not to go home.He sat on the chair with a glass in his hands,his head leaning on the back of the chair and his eyes closed.

Their was a silence in the room for a while.There was no sound coming from anywhere.People in the town were all dead asleep.The whole thing he was hearing was his own breathing.His eyes were still closed as he was in his own world.But a voice soon interrupted him.

"Upon one summers morning" a muffled beautiful, angelic voice singed.His eyes snapped open and he stayed in the same position waiting for the sound to come again.

"I carefully did stray"it sang again.He stood up from his seat when he heard it sing again.

"Down by the walls of wapping,where I met a sailor gay"the voice singed.It echoed through his ears,left and right.The voice was truly beautiful.He started walking towards the door of the pub and turned the doorknob.

"Conversing with a bouncing lass,who seemed to be in pain"the voice echoed through the town.He started walking down the streets while wearing his hat.He was curious about who sang this.He was more curious that he was attracted.

"Saying William when you go,I fear you'll never return again"the song kept on playing.He felt he was getting closer to the voice as he walked down the streets with his hands in his pockets.He realised he was going down the dockyard.

"My heart is pierced by Cupid,I disdain all glittering gold"it sang again.The angelic voice was the only thing he was hearing now.He couldn't even hear his footsteps.

"There is nothing can console me but my jolly sailor bold"

Tommy felt himself getting closer towards the voice like it was singing right next to his ear.

"My heart is pierced by Cupid,I disdain all glittering gold"

He was there now.He was at the dockyard.The moon was glistening and he was trying to find where the voice was coming from.He squinted his eyes to search for it when he saw a girl sitting at the edge of the dock with her back faced towards him.He found her.

He walked towards the girl slowly and steadily.

"There is nothing can console me"she sang as she slowly turned her head towards him.His eyes grew wide when he saw her.Brown beautiful hair,pink pouty lips,glistening eyes.It was y/n.His eyes grew wide.He let out a loud gasp as his body jerked in shock and opened his eyes.

"But my jolly sailor bold"the voice sang again.He realised he was in his bed but not alone.He felt a presence on his arm and saw y/n laying there looking at him with a soft expression.His eyes were wide but when he saw her he felt his heart fluttering.He felt a feeling he couldn't explain

"You found me"she said whispering in his ears with a soft smile.It was her this whole time.The angel of this town was her and he found her.

"I found you"

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