113.Supermarket c.m

867 14 4

Y/n was in her office quietly doing her work on her laptop.Her assistant came in knocking on the door

"Miss I've sent out the records to Mr Pudovkin and everything is already done for today.Is there anything I can do now Miss?"she politely asked

"No that's all Mary you can leave"y/n smiled as she nodded and left the office.

Y/n's heart was filled with joy and excitement.Every minute that passed since she met cillian made her want to meet him.He was so dreamy that she couldn't even imagine how charming he could be.Over that his voice really shook her to her core.

She was immediately pulled out of her thoughts when her phone rang.She immediately looked at it and saw a familiar number.Her heart jumped out of her chest and she smiled ear to ear

"Hello?"she picked up and asked.

Cillian smiled to himself on the other line after hearing her voice.

"Y/n it's cillian"he said trying to control the stupid smile on his face.Y/n felt butterflies jump in her stomach.

"Hey how are you?"she leaned back in her seat.

"I'm all good.Things are going great with the shooting of the show which I'm quite sure you'll be familiar off"he heard her laugh on the other line

"So yes it's all good.What about you?"

"I'm really great!Business is going well and I'm going to be on the time magazine"she smirked

"Woah wow.Even I couldn't reach there"he laughed and she laughed along with him.There was a soft moment of silence of just them hearing each other breathe.

"I want to meet you again y/n"he finally said.She bit her lip trying to stop herself from smiling again


"Yeah"he immediately replied

"What do you say we go out to meet somewhere?"yes he finally said it

"Where Mr Shelby?she teased him making him chuckle heavily in Tommy's way

"I'll surprise you"he imitated Thomas Shelby in his Birmingham accent

"I'll pick you at 8:00 tomorrow.Sounds good?"

"Sounds great"

They both hung up the call,looking forward to there date tomorrow.


"Shit shit shit shit"y/n ran here and there in her closet looking through something to wear because it was already 6:30.

She eventually picked out a white synthetic and silk dress with blue flowers on them,showing her perfect curves,with a poofy design of the bottom
(My personal fav dress 👇🏼)

She eventually picked out a white synthetic and silk dress with blue flowers on them,showing her perfect curves,with a poofy design of the bottom (My personal fav dress 👇🏼)

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She curled her hair loosely and didn't apply that much makeup because she wanted to look nice and simple.She wore mascara and a pink gloss and touched up her look a little with diamond earrings and a pendant.

When she got ready it was already 7:50.She immediately walked here and there in her large house and switched off the lights and locked the doors and windows.

She finally heard a honk outside her house.She took in a deep shaky breath and grabbed her purse immediately.She walked towards the door of her house and opened it.

She saw cillian standing at the parking area in front of her house.He wore a black blazer with a black button up shirt and black pants

He wore a black blazer with a black button up shirt and black pants

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(God I'm dead he's hot)

Y/n immediately blushed when she saw him remove his eyes from the ground and turn towards her.

His mouth slightly opened when he saw her walk down the concrete stairs of her house.His expression was filled with awe and shock

She was looking so beautiful that he couldn't even imagine someone could look like this.She walked down and stood in front of him.

"You look beautiful"he commented making her face flush in a colour of pink

"I'm aware of that"she smirked and then burst out in laughter.Cillian smiled and offered his arm to her which she happily held on to and walked towards his car

She was quite impressed by the choice of his car.It was a convertible Ford Mustang.She really liked the colour

He opened the door for her like a gentleman and she smiled and sat down.He closed the door and walked towards his seat and sat down.

"Where are we going?"she asked

"It's a secret"he smirked and started the car

"Very well then"she smirked and leaned back on her seat for the ride of her life.

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