124.A night at her house pt2

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Dinner was done and even Tommy ate a little tonight because y/n wanted him too.So he quietly ate some food.

Everyone was sleeping in there rooms as the clock strikes 2:30.Y/n couldn't sleep.She hadn't had a peaceful sleep ever since war.She sat up at her bed putting her feet down on the cold floor.

She stood up and decided to go to the kitchen to make some tea for herself.She put her silk nightgown white shrug over her gown.

She slowly opened her room door and walked out.She quietly walked in the corridor across the rooms making sure not to make a sound.

Tommy was wide awake in his room.When he heard the faint sound of wood creaking,he immediately snapped up from the chair he was peacefully sitting and smoking on.

Y/n slowly walked closer to the stairs and walked past the last room

"Couldn't sleep?"a deep yet familiar voice asked again making her turn her head back immediately.Tommy wouldn't lie when he said that his eyes didn't go up and down on her

Her silk gown that fitted on her curves perfectly and showed a part of her leg from the cut.He fought the urge to look at her again

"Ya I just felt like I need some tea.Do you want some tea?"she asked politely.He looked here and there in thought and then shrugged

"I'm up so why not eh?"he said pushing himself off the door ledge and walk downstairs with her.

He sat down on the chair in front of the round table in the kitchen.Y/n was pouring tea in the cups and Tommy was watching her.Seeing every move she makes.

She held the tray in her hands and kept it slowly on the table in front of him.

"Sugar?"she asked him and he nodded.She stired the tea cup and put it in front of him sitting back on her seat in front

"Tell me something Mr Shelby.What is your business like over there?"He raised his brows at her question assuming she would have no interest but she really did

"Business over there is good Miss y/n"he half smiled.Just him saying her name gave her chills

"Bought me a country house,renovated me pub,got me another legal racetrack and became an officer of the British empire"

"Ah Thomas Shelby OBE"she chuckled and nodded

"Did you get that by the work you did in the war or was blackmailing also involved?"she chuckled and for once tommy chuckled along with her.

"I put me power in good use what's wrong with that eh?"he chuckled making her laugh slightly.There was another comforting silence of them just sipping there tea.Y/n bit on her lips trying to fight the urge of asking him this

"What position were you in during war?"she asked.Thomas took in a breath at the sudden question and she immediately felt guilty for asking that question

"Sergeant major"he replied licking his lips slightly.Y/n nodded her head a little

"I was in the trenches"he said.Y/n felt pity for him.Men in the trenches used to suffer a lot.Locked in a small place underground with blood surrounding them.It was like hell there

Y/n took in a deep breath

"My brother was also in the trenches"Tommy's complete attention went back to her.He didn't know she had a brother too

"He uh-he couldn't make it back"she took in a shaky breath.Tommy knew where she was coming from.He knew how it felt to loose a loved one

"They gave him fucking medals for his bravery after he died.Awards,knighthoods what not"she sadly chuckled leaning back on her chair and looking up at the ceiling

"But they were all useless.The most precious thing they could've had was already long gone.The medals to me seemed like sign that my brother would be still locked in the memories of war if he sees them.So I threw them away,in a river behind this house"even Tommy did.Even he didn't want to be locked in those memories

"And now every night I hear those imaginary screams in my mind.I hear sirens as soon as a drift to dream"she sighed taking the last sip of her tea

"I hear shovels against the walls"tommy finally opened up.He had never told anyone as much as he had told her.

"Like someone is trying to get out behind it"he sighed.Atleast she knew both of them were damaged goods

"It's a wound that's never going to heal"he said pinning his eyes to the ground

"Wounds heal Mr Shelby.Scars don't.Not until someone is there to mend them"she gave him a soft comforting smile

"Maybe you just need someone with you who can help you mend those scars"she said picking up her cup and his cup of tea and walking towards the kitchen counter and keeping them there

"Someone you can love Mr Shelby"she smiled at him and whispered goodnight to him,walking up the stairs of the house and going in her room

And he was just sitting there looking at the stairs in the same position but with so much awe.He didn't realise it but he had a soft smile on his face.He didn't even know her properly and just met her today yet he felt so sure that she was different

He didn't even know her properly and just met her today yet he felt so sure that she was different

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Thomas Shelby wanted her.And he would do anything to make her his own.Who knew just a day at a businessman's house to make a simple deal,could change his life.Change his mindset.

Just a night at her house lighted the spark of curiosity and interest once again in Thomas Shelby's soul

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