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A beautiful gala was arranged by a very well know and a famous billionaire,Bruce Wayne.Y/n was invited at the Wayne manor (imagine yourself as Wonder Woman here)

She was a very well know museum curator warrior vigilante and was good friends with Wayne.Y/n was a hero in disguise.No one knew her secret not even Bruce.

She wore an elegant white gown with puff sleeves and a long cut in the middle revealing her long wide leg.A gold snake was creeping down,at the back of the dress.

Her hair were down and fell gorgeously on her shoulders.

She had already reached and was currently talking to Bruce.

"I was looking forward to take an artefact from the museum too"Bruce said.Y/n chuckled in disbelief and shook her head

"I'm afraid the artefacts at the museum are not for sale Bruce"Bruce huffed and shook his head

"Everything is for sale,if you have the money to buy it"he raised his glass of champagne and clinked it with hers

"Dear god Bruce don't flex your power all the time"she laughed and Bruce shrugged

"It's all I have!"he laughed.

There was some more conversation between them.All was going good until y/n saw some chaos in the crowd

"What's happening?"she asked and approached a woman who was looking disturbed

"Something is coming from the vents"the lady pointed at one vent in the corner.Y/n looked at it and saw small puffs of white smoke coming from them that was slowly increasing

She walked over to the vent and kneeled down to see what was happening.When she realised what it was her eyes went wide with shock

"Everyone out now!!"she shouted.The people all ran only a few steps to the door when it burst open.

They all froze in there positions and saw a man walk in.

The joker

The same horrifying face of a clown with war makeup on.Terror flowed in his veins.He cocked his shotgun and smiled at everyone

But one thing she noticed first was another man who walked from behind him


He wore a brown baggy mask,that of a scarecrow with a neat and tidy suit and a briefcase in his hand.The people all gasped and walked behind.

"Good evening ladies and gentelmen!"the joker spoke up

"We are tonight's entertainment !"the maniac smiled as his goons surrounded the hall.

Y/n had her eyes only on the scarecrow guy.She knew what she had to do so she escaped quickly like a breeze.

Before leaving the hall she immediately thought of Bruce and looked around but saw go no where.

She didn't have the time to do or think anything else.She quickly went in a room and locked the door behind.

"Let me introduce you to the finest man I've ever worked with"joker smiled and walked over to scarecrow

"Scarecrow!"he shouted and clapped his hands together.Jonathan just eyed him boringly and walked forward and went on with his own job there

"I'm not going to disturb your evening today but I do have one question to ask"scarecrow started,putting down his briefcase on a table nearby.

"Where......is......Miss y/n l/n"he spoke.The whole crowd went pale.An eery silence covered the air of the hall.Crane looked around and put his hands behind his back and leaned forward

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