116.Changretta sister

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The doors of the pub opened.The bell above jingled grabbing a few peoples attention.A tall woman with rosy red lips and a intimidating beauty walked in.She looked around the pub with caution and ease.

She smirked to herself and walked over to the bar counter leaning against it.She shuffled through her coat pocket and took out a cigarette.She rubbed it on her lips and held it between her teeth lighting the end of it.

Harry cleared his throat behind grabbing her attention.

"Right.I'll have a scotch"she said turning back a little placing coins on the counter.Harry looked at her and noticed many things.Her clothes looked expensive and her skin was neat and clean with no sign of Birmingham mud on it

"Here is your drink Miss"he put the glass on the counter and left the woman alone immediately.

Y/n sipped the liquid and squinted her eyes as it burned down her throat.She took a puff of her smoke and sighed looking around in the pub.The men were all staring daggers at her trying to break her down or get her in there beds.

Y/n wasn't the one to be broken that easily.She raised her eyebrows at them and sighed grabbing her coat a little and pulling it away a little,showing the shiny black gun in her pocket.Everyone looked away from her and went on with there conversations.

She scoffed at them and looked away putting both her arms on the counter behind.She heard someone's footsteps near her following with a weird ambience

"Hello there love"a drunk man slurred.Y/n looked at him and saw that he really looked drunk and creepy at the same time.The man had a gold shiny tooth with a weird smile

"Lonely are you?"he leaned in closer and put his hand on her waist.

"You might wanna keep away mister"she warned taking a small step back.But the man didn't seem to be bothered by her warning and leaned his face towards her neck

Y/n immediately grabbed his head and yanked it on her glass that was kept on the counter.The man shouted in sudden pain grabbing everyone's attention.

Even the peaky blinders that just walked in.

"What the bloody hell is happening over here?"arthur scowled looking at the man bleeding on the floor and the woman standing above him

She immediately caught Tommy's eye.He looked at her up and down noticing that she wore expensive looking clothes and a fearless look on her face.He immediately knew she was someone different.Someone not from Birmingham.And yes tommy did notice her beauty.It's what had his eye first

"I told you too keep away"she shrugged leaning back in her position and lighting another cigarette for herself.

Tommy walked forward towards the man lying down and looked at his face.It was bleeding a lot.He didn't like it when he said this but since this was his town he had to keep his civilians safe

"Arthur call some of our men to take him to the hospital"he said and Arthur nodded leaving immediately.

The people all saw Tommy and went back to there conversation.Y/n heard a man's deep voice soaked with accent but she planned on ignoring whoever it was.

"That wasn't very ladylike now was it eh?"y/n turned her head slightly to the man's direction only to be shook to her core by those blue orbs.
The man looked awfully familiar for some reason.

"What is considered ladylike according to you?Just sit in the bar with shiny nails,rosy lips and a man to go home with?"she smirked.Tommy knew that she was someone he might know.He was immediately attracted by her and wanted to know who she was.

"I wasn't exactly thinking that you would beat a man to his death"he said opening his silver case of shiny cigarette and rubbing one on his lips

"Well you don't know me,I don't see how you could make that assumption"she sighed licking her lips slowly,getting really intimidated by him

"Right then I should know you"he simply replied lighting his cigarette to keep him waiting for her introduction

"Y/n changretta"she smirked knowing that he definitely knew Luca.Tommy's face didn't drop,instead he was just surprised because he didn't know that changrettas had a daughter

"Does that push you of the edge Mr Shelby?"she smirked

"How's you know who I was?"he calmly replied.She smiled turning her head to him again and pointing at his hat

"The blades of the hat.Only a peaky Blinder has blades in his hat.And as for your attitude I knew you were the leader"

Tommy's face twitched into a smirk.A delightful one knowing that his enemy now had
Attention over him

"You know,I welcome you to our town and me pub with open arms.But when you're a changretta,I suggest you don't come alone in our town.Lots of people who want your heads here"

Y/n was being pushed of her edge because he kept giving her comebacks that she was really getting tired of,but unlike Luca,y/n was trained to keep her emotions intact

"I don't fear your people Mr Shelby.Am I alone here?Yes I am"she shrugged

"But am I scared of you blade bastards"she leaned in close to him

"NO"she whispered in his face,with eyes that showed nothing but venom.She leaned back and gulped the last of her drink slamming the glass back on the counter and leaving the pub bumping her shoulder slightly in Tommy's

Sudden wave of her cologne filled his nose.It smelled like her which made his blood boil.It smelled like jasmine and smoke.He got angry because in reality he was intoxicated by her.

For the first time in life someone threatened and answered Thomas Shelby back.That too on his face.

But the thing he hated the most about it,was the fact that it was a woman,a woman he knew he was thinking about a little more than he should.

They say love starts by hate.Let's see if it's the same case with the changretta daughter and the king of Birmingham.

By the time he was thinking about all this arthur came by his side.He put his arm around his shoulder

"Right brother you was that?"arthur smiled.Tommy rubbed his eyes tiredly and sighed

"I think I made myself a new enemy"

"Oh bloody hell"

"I know"*agressive sigh*

"You can't get enough tommy!"

"I'm leaving"

"Oh come on"


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