61.Ill burn the world for you

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Thomas Shelby's gem,his life,his biggest achievement was y/n.

He never loved anyone more than he loved her.

The whole world knew she belonged to him and him only.Maybe that could've been the reason why his enemies thought she was his weakness.

That she could bring him on his knees.Because y/n was his only weakness but that wasn't true.She was his biggest win and she provided him that confidence and power

But his enemies refused to accept any other thing.

Tommy was sitting in the garrison pub with his brothers chatting about business.

But his mind was focusing somewhere else.Arthur and John both noticed that he wasn't in his mind.

He was having a weird gut feeling.

Something bad was about to happen and he could feel it.

"Tommy?"arthur asked slightly concerned for his odd behaviour

He didn't even look over towards arthur.He was just trying to put that feeling back down but it wasn't helping

It was growing more and more until he got up from his seat and ran out of the pub.

"Tommay!!"arthut shouted while following him behind and saw him get in his car and drive off

"What's wrong with him lately?"arthur asked furrowing his eyebrows

"I think something bad's going to happen arthur"john said and took out the keys to their own car and followed Tommy.

"Miss y/n do you want tea?"mary politely asked y/n

"No Mary I'm good.Im going to go in the garden for some fresh air"y/n smiled softly at Mary and walked out of the large living room.

She opened the door to the backyard of the house and took in a deep fresh air.

The cold air softly hitting her cheek making it slightly blush.
She smiled to herself and walked down to take a walk in the garden.

But for some reason y/n didn't feel alone.She felt like someone was watching her

She felt uneasy all of a sudden and looked behind her but she saw no one.

She decided to walk back in the house but when she was about to open the door to go in but a hand grabbed her and spinned her

She yelped and saw Georgie(sabini's right hand man)

"Hello beautiful"he smiled like a creep and grabbed her and slammed her close to his body

He brought his face close to her side and took in a deep sniff of her perfume.

Her face filled with disgust and she felt sick to her r throat.

"Tommy's precious"he whispered while slowly putting back a strand of her hair

"Pretty pretty pretty y/n"he whispered in her ear

Y/n was feeling sick.She wasn't afraid but she was disgusted.

"You fucking"she grunted and kicked him in his balls.

He groaned in pain and removed his hands from her.

Y/n tried to make a run for it but saw more men right behind him.

All of them wearing hats and holding guns and in between them stood sabini,smiling like a psychopath.

"Y/n!"he laughed happily while raising his arms in the air

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