49.The detective

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"Tommy there coppers working on the murder case near our territory"arthur sighed while gulping his drink

"I'm afraid they'll Interrupt business Tommy"he said

"I say we go to those fucking coppers and throw some money at them and then ask them to fuck off!"john said waving his hand in the air

"Besides all coppers of Birmingham are on our payroll"John shrugged.

"Then let's go!"arthur said getting up and throwing the key at John

"Tommy come on!I need to meet a whore at 7:00"John said while walking out with arthur howling beside him with Tommy following them

"Is this it?"john asked looking over at the house

"Well there are expensive cars around I think this is it"arthur said jumping  out of the car with Tommy and John.

"Alright then let's go boys"tommy sighed flicking out his cigarette

They opened the door and walked inside the house to see a large group of well dressed men scanning the house and doing an interrogation

"Wait they got fucking detectives working out here?"arthur asked

"Shit"he sighed after

"It's okay let's just throw some money at this fuckers face and be done with it"John said putting his toothpick back in his mouth

John stopped a man working right beside them

"Who's leading this operation?"he asked.The man looked at the three of them in confusion but was busy so he answered quickly

"Her right there"he pointed over

The boys all looked at the direction he pointed to.

A woman stood at the corner with her back faced towards them.She wore a large black over coat with a white shirt,black pants and a black tie.She had a black hat on her head making her look like a typical detective.

Tommy squinted his eyes to get a better look to her face but he wasn't able to because she was talking to some other detective there.

"Miss l/n!"a detective called out and the woman turned


Heavenly was a word to describe her beauty.

Eyes that belonged to Aries.Lips that belonged to Aphrodite.Skin that belonged to Zues and a body that belonged to her and her only.

Her beauty was nothing like he'd ever seen.He never even imagined someone who looked this beautiful

"Yes George"she sighed while dismissing the detective who was talking to her

"Miss y/n there are some men here asking for you"he said slowly while walking up to her.

"Who are they?"she asked furrowing her eyebrows and the man pointed at the group of three handsome men standing there

Y/n eyes turned towards them but were immediately latched on to the blue ones.

They were like blue Sapphires with shiny black pearls in between.They were mystical.They showed so much.They were mysterious that made her immediate attract to them

Their gaze were locked on each other.None of them dared to pull away

"Right"she said to him and walked towards them.

Tommy's gaze fell on her body.The way her hips swayed with every step she took.The way her heels clicked on the floor, elegance reflected in her steps.Her gaze right at him.

"Miss these are-"the detective said but was interrupted

"The peaky blinders"y/n said

The three of them were taken back a little.She knew who they were

"How may I help you gentlemen?"y/n sighed putting her hands in her pockets

John and Arthur looked over at Tommy who was busy looking at her

John and Arthur looked over at Tommy who was busy looking at her

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"Well well he honest"arthur sighed

"You see your team is working ere in our territory which is making us worried that you might interrupt in our business"he said in one fluid motion

"So we suggest we make a deal"John continued indirectly offering her money to leave and she understood immediately

"Right tommy?"john said hesitantly

He removed his gaze from her to John and paused for a moment

"Right"he said

For a moment y/n felt really attracted to his voice.It was so deep and husky.

"Well"she paused and cleared her throat

"I'm sorry Mr Shelby.You might have the coppers on your payroll.But you don't have me"she smirked coming closer to his face

"You can buy my team.But you won't be able to buy me"

Tommy could smell her cologne.It smelled rich and expensive which was just his taste.It didn't smell like strawberries or flowers or anything a typical girly girl would have.

It smelled different and it made him understand that she was different.

Her eyes burned in his own gaze.She didn't fear him.It was right in her eyes and he could see the fire in them.The fire that he will burn in

"If you don't mind I'd like to go back to my work Mr Shelby"she smiled at him and walked away from him

He felt the cold air hit him immediately.The fire that she brought upon him couldn't be blown away anymore.

He WANTED to burn in it.

He WANTED to make her his own.

He WANTED to have HER and not even god can stop him now.

He watched her walk out of the room back in the foggy air.

He found who he was looking for.

Someone who can challenge him.

His match

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