122.The night of euphoria

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A loud knock echoed in the whole garrison.Y/n flinched slightly because no one was supposed to be here at this time.She sighed wiping her hands on a cloth

"We're closed!"she shouted from inside but the person ignored her and banged again.She sighed in frustration and walked towards the door only to see Thomas Shelby standing outside drenched in his clothes and hair all wet.

"Tommy's ghost?"she asked sarcastically leaning against the door ledge.Tommy didn't say anything and just walked inside.Y/n rolled her tongue in her mouth but sighed in defeat closing the door behind.

Tommy took a bottle of whiskey with glasses by himself and sat down limp on the chair.Y/n eyes him once noticing that something was wrong

"Thomas?"she softly asked starting to get worried about him.She walked towards him and kneeled down in front of him.Tommy turned his head towards y/n in hope that seeing her would calm him down

"What's wrong?"she asked in the softest way possible.Seeing the state he was in explained that something bad had happened and that he needed her

"I just put a bullet in me horse"he blurted out finally.Y/n didn't let the shock come on face but inside she felt bad.

A sigh erupted from her lips as she leaned back at sat in front of him.Another silence taking over them

"Why?"she blinked softly only to see something she never exactly believed she would see.Thomas Shelby's eyes filled with tears.

"He looked at me the wrong way.It's not a great idea to look at Thomas Shelby the wrong way"he said.His voice sounding broken and pained.It made her heart break.

There was another silence that came there way.Y/n sighed and poured herself a drink.She twirled the whiskey in the glass around a little thinking of any way to comfort him.

Little did she know,just her sitting there made Tommy feel content.He never let it slip on his lips that he liked her.Maybe he loved her.

"You know what.I wanna make a toast"she sighed bringing her glass forward

"It might be easy to say,but difficult to spell
Your heart dear love,is half heaven and half hell"she said clinking her glass with him.

He had never heard something with such deep meaning that he raised his lips a little in amusement as too how good that was.

They both gulped it all at once slamming the glasses together in the table.She let the burn sink in deep in her throat and sighed

"I know how you feel Tommy"she said and it grabbed his attention at once.

"I know what you go through.Endless days and sleepless nights,I have those too"it was like she lighted a small candle of hope in his heart.

"I hear the screams and the shovels"he finally opened up to her.Y/n nodded understanding what he was saying because she went through it too

"I hear them too tommy.I hear them too"she mumbled softly tapping on her knee,a comfortable silence following again.

The night didn't feel like reality.There was another high in that night.Sadness and love all mixed together.Maybe it was realisation hitting them both that they were the same.They were going through the same.

The silence seemed to grow louder and louder and longer and longer.Y/n got up from her seat and sat right beside him,holding his hand on hers and giving him a comforting squeeze.

His nerves all relaxed and he finally felt calm.Her eyes started to drape shut slowly due to the effect of sleep and whiskey taking over them both.

She felt her body give up and she leaned on Tommy's shoulder closing her eyes finally.Tommy peacefully put his head above her as he felt his eyes get heavy.

They both fell asleep on each other just hearing at each other breath softly knowing that they were still close and were right here.They both finally thought they would get a good nights sleep,with no screams,sirens or shovels.

They both fell asleep just listening to the soft patter of rain falling outside.

The night wasn't reality

It was euphoria

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