139.Dipawali (requested)

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Alright another Indian related chapter.As always Indians will enjoy this and others can read it too cause ITS LEGIT AMAZING and it's kinda like another sequel to the Holi chapter I wrote.Also the song is legit fire do hear it

Diwali is the Festival of Lights us Indians celebrate.Y/n in this chapter being one of them celebrates it every year.

She used to light two lanterns every year on the dock side of the town late at night when no one's watching.She lights them for her mother and father who died long ago.

Y/n walked through the dark streets of the Birmingham.The soft breeze hitting her face and hair making them flow in the air.

She could see the dockyard at the far end.When she reached there she stopped on the wooden ledge and decided to light them from there.

"Happy Diwali mother and father"she looked at the sky and whispered the words closing her eyes for a moment to think about them.

She took out her lighter and took one lamp in her hands lighting up the wax mold on the bottom and holding it in her hands until it's ready to fly

Tommy silently walked to the dock to have some fresh air away from the smoke air of the town.

He could hear slight crackling of fire alarming him immediately that someone else was there.He could see a familiar figure of a woman standing near the water.When he walked closer he saw y/n.

His breath got caught in his throat immediately.The way her eyes glistened from the light of the lamp,her face that glowed in a beautiful warm shade of yellow and that soft smile he had never seen again on her lips.

Y/n heard some footsteps beside her.She snapped her head at the direction to see Tommy standing there in the shadow

"Jesus Tommy"she breathed out putting on hand on her chest and holding the lantern with the other one

"What are you doing here?"he put his hands causally in his pockets and walked closer to her.Y/n saw how his face immediately came under the light of the lamp making her almost gasp

Y/n saw how his face immediately came under the light of the lamp making her almost gasp

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"Just lighting some lamps"she said removing her eyes from him.Tommy brought his hand to the lamp and held it from a corner staring at it intensely

"For who?"he asked

"For my parents Tommy.Today is Diwali.A festival my parents used to celebrate when I was small.Ever since they died I light two lamps on this day for them"she sighed.Tommy raised his hands up along with y/n and they removed there hands from the lantern making it flow in air freely

Tommy turned his eyes to y/n who was just staring at it fly away with the slightest smile

"Every time I leave them from my hands it feels like my parents are leaving me to go in the sky.I feel good after doing it,thinking that even they have gone free like these lanterns"she looked down at the ground and picked up the last one

Tommy helped her along with it as he held it in his hands while she lighted it up.He never removed his eyes from her,he couldn't.She was looking so peaceful and pretty in the light Tommy almost felt the sight wasn't real at all

They both held it together in there hands and waited for it to fly away free from it.

When it did y/n had a genuine smile on her face and Tommy just couldn't pull away.

"Thank you Tommy.I'm glad someone joined me to celebrate it tonight"she turned her face to meet him.Tommy just smiled in the softest way possible and said nothing yet she understood what he wanted to say

"I'll be with you every night of this festival y/n,dead or alive.And I'll be with you to light those lanterns for your parents"he spit into his hands and brought them forward

She laughed and spit back in her hands and shook them with him as a promise to what he said.

Well atleast that was the Birmingham way to do it.

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