153.Nice meeting you c.m

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Y/n worked at Spotify radio.She was a very well known interviewer with a very good post and was well known for her honesty and good questions that she used to ask

This time they were having a special celebrity on there show.Her personal favourite,Cillian Murphy.

She was asked to make questions to ask him about his show peaky blinders but her boss added on something.

"Jamie I'm not asking him this"y/n shook her head in disbelief

"Oh come on y/n all celebrities have to go through such questions"Jamie protested

"Our show is a friendly one Jamie.I don't need such questions on my show"

"Since I'm your boss y/n you have to listen to me"he sighed rubbing his temples a little.Y/n stared at him with a "seriously?"look on her face

"I can't help it.It's a company rule"he shrugged.She sighed tiredly and agreed,walking away from him to get ready for the interview

After another few minutes he finally arrived in the studio.Y/n got up from his seat and smiled up at him

"Y/n l/n.Pleasure to meet you"she shook his hands and saw the softest smile on his face

"Cillian Murphy nice to meet you too"he looked at her a little more than a few seconds.He just couldn't pull away or forget the fact that she was so beautiful

"You need something?Coffee or water or anything?"

"No I'm good"he smiled and sat down on his chair in front of her.

"Alright"she sighed when she sat down adjusting the mics a little as she finally said it

"Okay I have to say this.I'm pretty sure you're well aware at what questions we have to ask from you today.Now normally I try to ask questions about only there show or movies but this time,my boss is insisting to ask you..."she sighed

"A personal question?"he asked and she looked at him and nodded.He could notice she wasn't nervous but was just uncomfortable

"You see I don't like to discuss personal lives of Celebs  but I have to ask a personal question from you today"she sighed

"It's alright I get plenty of personal questions"he chuckled adoring how she respected other peoples privacy

"Are you sure?"she asked

"Yes.And don't worry I'll have a pretty good answer for whatever you ask"he chuckled

"Well then that's great we should start"she wore her headset and he wore his

"Hello everyone welcome to Spotify podcasts.This is y/n l/n over here with a very special guest.The talk of the industry and the person who played many numerous famous roles of Jonathan crane,Robert Fischer and of course thomas Shelby,that's right we have Cillian Murphy on set with us today"She smiled at him

"How are you cillian?Hows life?"He nodded with a smile

"It's going good.Things are taking a turn and I'm taking my time to adjust to them"

"That's amazing cillian.Right so why don't you tell me something about your character in the show peaky blinders?"

He got on with the answers and since they were not personal and were written by her,he seemed to enjoy them.

She laughed and smiled so much in between the podcast at anything he would say.But it was time for her to ask the question she really didn't wanna ask

"Alright I just have one last question cillian"she nodded taking a breath

"Yes of course"he smiled assuring her that he got this

"Fans surprisingly really wanna know wether you have slept with any woman on the show"she asked him staring at him with a sorry face

Cillian raised his eyebrows at the question.It took him by surprise that they would actually ask this but he was a professional in this so he managed to ease her down

"No actually I haven't.I wasn't planning too because I really respect my co actors who work with me and I really just focus on my work when I'm on set.I don't want to disrespect any woman and I just don't believe in doing something like that"

Y/n felt a smile twitch on her lips as she mouthed a thank you at him

"That's great to hear cillian.Thank you so much for joining us today.I'll see you all on the next podcast.Thank you for staying with us"she closed the mic and removed her head seat letting out a loud sigh putting her hands on her eyes

"You're good"she laughed

"That I am"he chuckled along.She sighed and looked at her watch

"Jeez it's 7:00 already"Cillian looked at his watch and then at her.He licked his lips in thought and finally asked her

"Do you have work to do after this?"he cleared his throat.Y/n turned her eyes at him and shook her head

"No I don't.My work here is done.Why?"

"Nothing I was just wondering if you wanna go to grab a bite with me?"he coolly asked her.She understood what he was trying to say and chuckled

"Sure I'm hungry as hell"she stood up from her seat grabbing her purse along the way

"Or should I say "im hungry as fook!"she imitated the Birmingham accent just like in the show

"You're not saying it right"he laughed walking out the studio with her

"Sounds right to me!"

They eventually ate at a small cafe.It was such a cute open cafe,with round tables on the side street with fairy lights hung like a canopy.

Pretty much a couple date restaurant but they managed to enjoy there cause not many people were present.

Y/n laughed the whole time at a few jokes he said about his time behind the scenes from shoots.

Y/n was having so much fun and he was too.He was really enjoying the smile on her face,the way her face used to turn red if she laughed too much made him smile himself

Eventually they had to leave because it got so late and they were also closing the cafe.

"Jesus how long were we here?"y/n stood up from her seat as the waiter walking by said

"Four hours miss"he smiled and bowed at her taking his leave.Y/n raised her lips in surprise and looked at cillian who had his eyebrows raised and his eyes wide.

They both burst out in laughter and walked away from the cafe to there cars.

"I had a lot of fun today.I hope I get to see you soon"Cillian smiled putting his hands in his pockets casually

"I would love that"she blushed slightly

"I don't have your number though"he smiled stopping on his way right in front of his car

"You do have my number.Remember the card that you got from Spotify before the interview?"

"Oh yeah that's back at my house"he nodded

"Then see it from there.I'll wait for your message"she smiled up at him

"Goodnight cillian"she turned and walked away from him to her car but just looked back at him before sitting inside

"Night"he mumbled to himself taking a deep breath and sitting back in his car.Everything seemed so different right now.Both there hearts were beating loudly with blood being pumped straight to there cheeks.

Well atleast cillian knew he had to find that card at all costs.It was his only link back to her.

And he would do anything to see her again

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