35.Gifted (long)

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Y/n was a gifted girl.A lady now.She had the gift of god.She had the gift to peek through someone's life like a curtain.

(Just like Lorain Warren except she is not a ghostbuster)

Her gift came in handy for the people who needed her.She was a kind yet smart lady who had no problem in Helping those who need to see"the further".

She was currently going to meet Polly Shelby.The woman of the town.Before coming to Birmingham to meet her she already had found out all about her client.She knew exactly what she was getting herself into and she wasn't afraid of them.Humans were nothing in compare to demons.

She walked towards the doorstep of her beautiful cottage style home.A large house for only a few people.

She could see people staring at her but when she went on the Shelby doorstep they all turned away.

Y/n felt a smirk playing on her lips.

"God these people"she sighed and knocked on the door.

Poll immediately opened the door.She was expecting her so she opened it quickly.A nervous smile on her face.

She opened the door and saw a beautiful tall woman.In a well dressed coat pant not a dress.She looked at her in awe.

"God I wanted to meet you for so long"she said letting out a breath she had no idea she was holding.

"Hello there Mrs gray"y/n smiled at her.Her breath almost hitched to see such a beautiful smile.She truly was like an angel.

"Please come in"Polly said closing the door behind as she stepped in.

Polly took a few steps away from her when she saw her examining the house.

"You've not been here long"y/n told Polly who stood there gobsmacked

"That's correct"she said as y/n started walking around the house.

She came across a few pictures hanging on the wall.One of them was Polly standing in front of a building smiling proudly.

Polly walked towards her while she was seeing the paintings.

"That's from-"

"The opening of the Shelby company limited"she said.

Polly stood still in her position almost starting to get weird out.

"How'd you know that?"she said taking a step back from her

Y/n let out a chuckle when she saw how she reacted.

"It's ok relax.It's like a gift.A peek through a curtain in someone's life"she explained looking at the paintings with a smile

Polly let out a breath of relief while she saw her touching a painting slightly.


"The one when you had your daughter"y/n completed.

Polly slowly nodded while she looked at her not being able to believe her.

"You truly are an angel"Polly said in shock Causing y/n to slightly smile at her.

"Let's sit"Polly said pointing towards the couch.Y/n nodded and sat on it facing Polly.
Polly's hands were shaking as she took out a cigarette and offered it to her.She smiled and denied it

"You know Mrs gray"

"Polly"Polly corrected

"Right I suggest you shouldn't smoke here not until Were in this house.I mean there's no problem in that even I smoke but not in this house since I'll be contacting spirits here and it helps for a little positive vibe"she explained and Polly nodded and quickly put the cigarette back

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