158.Toxins and love pt.4

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Y/n woke up with a jerk again.Her whole body was hurting like hell.She shifted in her covers a little only when she noticed she was in his bed.

She sat up once again but she wasn't panicking now.Instead she just wanted to see him and wanted answers.

She slowly opened the door of his room and peeped out.She saw a simple apartment with a big kitchen,sofas with books and papers scattered on them and a few room here and there.

She walked through the corridor Into the living room and saw Jonathan sitting on a chair on the kitchen counter.

His glasses were off and his hair was a mess and he seemed to be reading a book.Well not reading it seemed like he was trying to find something in it desperately

"Johnathan?"she walked out.He snapped his head to her direction,his face softening immediately.

"You're up"he closed the book in front of him and sighed once getting ready to answer her questions

"Ya I'm-up"she sighed sitting on the chair in front of him.She kept staring at her hands for a moment seeing bruises and red marks on them.Jonathan saw them too.


"I know you have questions y/n"he interrupted her.She just kept staring at him and licked her lips once

"I-yes I do have questions Jonathan.Why am I in your house?What is that toxin you're making?Why didn't it affect me?I have a lot of questions"she went silent for a while thinking deep in thought

"I have a lot of questions.But I don't need answers to them.I just I-I know you're doing something other than your work but it ends at that point for me.I- don't wanna know what else is happening in your life"Jonathan found it surprising as too how she didn't wanna know what he was doing

Instead she got off her seat and wore her heels that were kept in the corner and took her coat.

"I'm going to leave you too it Jonathan"she looked at his blue eyes once before walking to his door but his hand stopped her.He turned her around and grabbed her by her waist

"I know you wanna know the answers y/n"he gruffly spoke.Just hearing her name on his lips made her wanna jump off a cliff

"I can see the curiosity in your eyes.I know how much you are amazed by peoples fears.The toxin that I created is a fear toxin,I use it on my patients to see through there walls and see the fears and darkness they hold"y/n took in a shaky breath not just because he was telling her this but also because of his closeness

"You see this?"he took out the scarecrow mask from his coat and showed it to her while still having his grip on her.She stared at the horrific mask carefully

"That's scarecrow.He lives inside my brain.He-he's a part of me.When I can't take things in my hands,he does"y/n shivered up to down at the thought of it

"It was scarecrow in the basement today?"she looked up in his eyes as he swallowed and clenched his jaw tightly

"Yes"y/n felt her heart beat loudly to a point even he could hear it.She couldn't believe it.Jonathan had a monster living inside of him.

It was Jonathan himself

"Do you hurt innocent people?"she felt her eyes start to water at the thought of them screaming.Jonathan couldn't hold it anymore.It was all too much for him yet he still didn't want to let her go

"Jonathan tell me!"she shouted trying to get away from his grip.His fists clenched tightly turning them white.He had no guilt of hurting people but he just couldn't hurt her

"You do don't you"she chuckled in disbelief finally getting off from his grip.

"I can't believe this Jonathan"she took in a shaky breath and walked back to his door but he grabbed her again

"Jonathan leave me alone!"

"No!"he grabbed her by her waist again and pulled her to him like a tight lock

"No I can't"

"So much has happened Johnathan!You drugged me two times,you're making some kind of poison,you've let me free to scarecrow and yet you're still saying that you-"she was stopped by the feeling of his lips on hers

Jonathan found the only way to stop her was to kiss her and it really worked.She was shocked at first by the sudden contact but she learned how to melt in his lips.

Her lips were softer than ever.So plum and pink.He was craving them ever since he first saw her.She entangled her arms around his neck deepening the kiss

Yes she was aware of what she was doing but she wanted him on top of everything.And so did he.He grabbed her waist tightly and pulled her even more closer to him making her gasp slightly and giving him the perfect opportunity to slide his tongue in her mouth.

The kiss was no to fiery instead it was just both of them putting all there emotions in it.She wanted this more than anything and if accepting him as he was,was the condition

Then she simply accepts him

And after finally having her,Jonathan was sure he wasn't going to ever leave her.He would always protect her from anything in the world even if it costs him his own life

Or even if her has to save her from scarecrow himself.

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