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We all know Thomas Shelby was a man with a hard past.Every moment of his horrifying past only affected him badly

Except that one memory of his first and last love


She was his everything

His life,his death,his charm,his luck


But oh that good memory had a dark end.Tommy remembers.He still remembers the way she screamed his name in pain and agony,and he was limp on the floor with nothing he could do

He blamed himself

"Y/n listen to me"he said out of breath and touched her muddy cheek and rubbed her tears away.

"Tommy no I can't loose you please no-they're coming-

"Shhh love"he sobbed slightly and leaned his forehead on hers trying to calm her down.The time was before war.

The Birmingham land was filled with chaos and revolts.And Tommy had his enemies coming behind him in that time in the middle of the chaos

"It's okay y/n"he breathed and held her close to him.She calmed down just a bit with him mumbling soft words to her but it all went to hell when she heard a loud bang of a bullet

She felt Tommy's body go still and stuff like a rock.She gasped when she realised what happened.

Tommy was shot

"Tommy?"she panicked seeing that he was loosing balance.She looked behind him to see a group of men in black hats,with machine guns in there hands

"No"she panicked holding him close to her.Two men charged on them,grabbing Tommy away from her and two men came and held y/n from both her arms

"No!!!!!"she screamed and looked at Tommy with teary eyes to see him hanging loosely with just the mens grip on his arms

"Tommy!tommy!!!"she screamed and cried.Tommy opened his eyes a little and saw her being dragged away by two men.

"Y/n"he mumbled very slowly,numbness taking over his body and his vision getting blurry.

"No"he whispered and gave weak efforts to get out of the mens grip but it was off no use.He could hear her screams calling his name again and again

"Tommy!!!"he heard a last scream before he heard a loud gunshot and his whole world was snatched from his hands.

His throat went dry when the gunshot echoed in the fields.He wanted to push everyone away and save her but his body gave up because the venom of the wound was spreading.

And eventually after a few seconds

It all went dark

He felt someone move his body like he was on a stroller.Tommy could hear Arthur's shouts and a few women's cries

He opened his eyes a little too see arthur and a few doctors carrying him to the hospital room on a stroller.

Tommy wasn't able to hear whatever they were saying and was only hearing a high pitched cry of his love

"Tommy"he could hear her call his name

"Tommy"her soft voice slowly changed into a darker one

"Tommy!!!!!!!"a demonic voice spoke

He opened his eyes immediately and woke up with a jerk.He sat up on his bed and breathed heavily trying to catch his breath back

Sweat ran down from his forehead and his lips and mouth was completely dried.He brought his hands to his eyes and tried to slow down his breathing

He leaned back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.

It had been so long since her death.Years had passed by yet it still scares him.He hasn't forgot a single detail about that day and that day by far is the worst day Thomas Shelby has ever experienced

He blames himself

He blames himself for her death

Because he was too weak to help her and they took her away and killed her.Because his enemy killed the love of his life

All Tommy ever wondered

Was what would his life be like,if his love was still alive

But Thomas Shelby didn't know

That she was still alive

He missed one thing that day.When he heard the bullet shoot,he thought it was y/n who was shot.

But it wasn't her

Y/n was the one who had the gun and pulled the trigger at the man who took her away.And she managed to escape from there

For Years she had cried on that fact that her love was dead.She couldn't bare to go back home because she knew the memories of Tommy would break her

She just had a small dried rose that Tommy once gave her and she did all she could to keep it safe and sound.

Because it was all she could do to mourn over her loved one.

Life has its own game

It's own puzzle

How could it happen,that two loved ones,two soulmates thought each of them were dead,yet were still well and alive

When they wished that there loved one could've been alive,they didn't know that they actually were.

After so many years,y/n makes a decision

A decision that would change her life forever

A decision to go back to Birmingham

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