Chapter 2

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On the top of a mountain on the east side of Vale, a portal opened and Ash emerged with his hood up. Upon exiting, he took a look around to see what he was seeing.

"So this is Vale? It looks peaceful than I thought. Guess I better start looking around." Ash said to himself as he released Pikachu and his other Pokemon.

"Stay close guys, we are in uncharted territory. Remember that you were trained for attacking and defending without my commands, except when the situations required it." He told them.

His Pokemon nodded in respond and they began making their way down the mountain towards the ground. Ash surveyed the area and saw nothing, not even another Pokemon around.

"Something's not right here. There should be Pokemon around here. This must be the creatures of Grimm's doing." Ash thought.

As if on cue, several growls were heard around them. Ash spotted red eyes from all directions. The creatures slowly emerged from the trees and bushes, giving Ash and his Pokemon a good few of what they were. Some had a wolf-like appearance with exposed bones sticking out of them as armor. Some were twice as big with more bone armor all around them. Others were much taller that had the appearance of a giant scorpion with its stinger glowing.


"Looks like you guys are the creatures of Grimm, huh?" Ash asked as he summoned the Divine Elemental. "So this is what Arceus was talking about. ATTACK!"

Ash and the others charged forward and the creatures of Grimm also charged forward. Ash swung his Keyblade and struck at a Grimm. The bone armor was so durable that the Keyblade bounced off the bone, but it did leave a small crack. The Grimm growled and snarled at Ash for his attack.

"Guess I better for the more exposed parts." Ash said to himself. He lunged forward and impaled the Grimm in the stomach. After pulling the Keyblade out, the Grimm died as it came into contact to the ground and began to turn to smoke.

"That's it. EVERYONE, GO FOR THE EXPOSED PARTS!" He shouted to his Pokemon all around him.

This may the fighting more easily, until Ash turned and saw one of the giant scorpions attempting to skew him with its stinger. Ash dodged rolled out of the way and saw that the entire upper part was covered with bone armor, but the eyes were exposed.

Ash grinned as he aimed his Keyblade at it and yelled, "FIRAGA!" A giant fireball was shot out of the tip of the Keyblade and it came to direct contact with the head of the Grimm. After leaving a scorch mark on it, the scorpion screeched as more scorpions started running towards Ash.

Meanwhile, Ash's Pokemon were holding their own against the Grimm. Pikachu constantly used agility to outmaneuver his enemies and fired thunderbolts and electro balls at them.

Lucario used his aura spheres to weaken the armors and used close combat and slash to attack, while regaining physical power thanks to swords dance.

Gardevoir was using psychic to lift multiple enemies and throw them all over the place. Although she was holding it steady, she used reflect before the battle began. Her moonblast did leave powerful cracks in their armor and was proven just as useful.

Dragonite had next to no problems thanks to him flying all the time and firing dragonbreaths and fire blast and enemies, depending on how powerful they were. After weakening the Grimms armors, he used dragon dance to power up his dragon claws and used his speed to decimate his enemies with one powerful swipe.

Avalugg was a prime target due to how big he was, but he was making them loose their balance thanks to earthquake. While they were done, he fired off blizzard attacks to freeze them in their tracks and used gyro ball to finish the job, ending the Grimms lives around him.

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