Chapter 19

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Ash and Emerald, especially Emerald, were in heaven when they slept for the first time with each other. Ash was the first to wake up and he looked down at the mint hair beauty that was still snuggling him. He gently rubbed her back and smiled. Suddenly, she began to wake up.

"Morning Ash." She whispered when she looked up at him.

"Morning Emerald." Ash said before kissing her forehead. She pulled his head down to her and they kissed passionately for a short time.

They later met up with Team RWBY as they went down for breakfast. Along the way, Emerald had her mind on the night of the dance. And that's when it hit her.

"ASH! I just remembered something. Cinder did plant a bug into the CCT tower the night of the dance." Emerald explained.

"I knew it. I knew that there was something going on that night when we attacked her." Weiss said as they came to a stop.

"Then, we all know what must be done. We must go straight to the headmaster. He'll listen to you Emerald. Besides, I know you are not lying." Ash said while smiling.

"We'll meet up with you two at breakfast. Good Luck." Ruby said before she kissed Ash. Ash created a portal towards Ozpin's office, took Emerald's hand and they ran into it.

Ozpin was wondering around his office while holding his scroll. Suddenly, a portal opened and he quickly activated his cane and aimed it at the portal. He then lowered it quickly when Ash emerged with Emerald next to him.

"Ash, this is quite the unexpected visit. How can I help you two?" He asked.

"Sir, Emerald here has some info about Cinder infiltration from the night of the dance." Ash said as he stepped aside and Emerald stepped forward.

"Sir, she implanted a bug into the CCT tower to take control of any scroll that is connected to that very towers connections at . If the wrong scroll is connected into it, it would be devastating." Emerald explained. Ozpin began pondering of what she was saying.

"This would be bad. We are going to use that very tower to control the Vytal Tournament. If what you tell me is true then….we must leave for the tower immediately." Ozpin said as he made some preparations.

"I hope the Metagross's didn't catch the virus." Ash said to himself. He quickly made a portal that will take them in front of the tower.

As they emerged from another portal, they quickly made their way to the top floor. They quickly accessed the system and Emerald quickly got to work to track down the virus. There were so much into the system that it was hard to find.

"Dammit, I can't find it like this." Emerald said with rage. Ash quickly placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Relax. Is there something you know of the virus that might help us?" Ash asked.

"Well, I know Cinder uses a black queen chess piece to symbolize it. That's all I really know." Emerald said.

Ozpin looked towards the Metagross's and nodded to them. They began searching the system to find the symbol. It didn't take them long until they found multiple files of it.

"Those are them. Knowing her, she probably made another file for each of them somewhere." Emerald said.

The Metagross's have already gotten to work on finding more of the files. In a matter of seconds thanks to them being supercomputers, they got them all. Ozpin quickly pulled out his scroll and contacted Ironwood.

"James, we found the bug in the CCT system. With your permission, we want to delete the files and prepare the backup system, and launch the anti-firewalls to stop the infestations." Ozpin said.

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