Chapter 3

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Ash and Teams RWBY and JNPR flew back to Beacon. After about 15 minutes of flying, Ash's eyes widen at the sight of a gigantic tower that was at the center of a campus from beneath. When they touched down right in front of the tower, Ash just stared at it.

"Welcome to Beacon Academy." Ruby said as she walked right next to Ash.

"There's no time for sight-seeing now Ashy boy, we have to get you to Headmaster Ozpin immediately." Yang said with a smirk before tugging on his arm forward towards Beacon.

As they made their way towards Beacon Tower, Ash heard murmurs and whispers from surrounding people eyeing him.

"Is that who I think it is?" A girl spoke close by with another girl next to her.

"It can't be him." A guy said under his breath as he sat on a tree trunk nearby.

Ash was looking around at the people and decided to pull his hood up for concealment. 'The hell are they looking at me like that for?' He thought to himself.

After walking for a few minutes, they all reached the same elevator towards Ozpin's office.

"After you." Juane insisted in a polite tone as Ash went in first.

'I got a bad feeling about this!' Ash thought as everyone else entered behind him and he continued to have his hood up. As the elevator began to ascend, Ash turned around to lean on a wall and saw that they were all watching him.

"What? Why are you all looking at me like that?" Ash asked.

Blake quickly looked away from Ash with a slight blush on her face. Ash noticed it pretty quickly.

"What is it Blake?" Ash asked as the rest of Team RWBY turned towards him.

"Yeah, you've been very quiet ever since we collected Ash." Yang said as she moved closer to her teammate.

"I-it's nothing." Blake tried to ensure them, but Weiss wasn't buying it.

"Don't lie to us. Ever since Ash showed his face to us, you have been nothing but silent all day." Weiss spat out.

It was then Ruby remembered that day 7 years ago when she and the rest of Team RWBY were watching the news of Ash's disappearance. "Well, at least we know that Ash is still alive and well right?"

Ash turned towards Ruby for what she said. "You....heard what happened?" Ash asked.

"All of us here knew what happened. A few days after the Kalos League Championship match, the ones that betrayed you, everything." Ren spoke out.

Pikachu glared at Ren and sparks began to erupt out of his cheeks.

"Easy there Pikachu, he didn't mean such." Ash said as he scratched his lower chin, calming him down at an instant. Everyone took a step back from the event that just happened.

"My apologies for that, Pikachu hasn't fully recovered from that day. Just don't mention that day to him. Just look at his scar, that's the proof." Ash explained before pointing at Pikachu's scar across his face.

The groups looked closely at the scar. Ruby, Blake and Pyrrha eyes widen from that.

"I'm so sorry about what happened. Well, hopefully things will go better with you guys soon." Pyrrha said.

"I'm hoping for the same." Ash said with a smile.

A little bit later, they arrived at Ozpin's office. They saw Ozpin with someone else with them. The person was a matured blonde woman with a cape and a long crop in her hand. The both of them looked over at them, Ash especially.

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