Chapter 33

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Ash slowly woke up the next morning, and he felt something heavy on him. He then saw Velvet on top of him waiting for him to wake up with a seductive look. She was fully dressed in her combat outfit with her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Morning Ashy." She whispered.

"Velvet? When did you get here?" He asked.

"About a half an hour ago. Emerald and Neo are down at breakfast, and I wanted to wait for you to wake up." She said before kissing his cheeks.

After Ash got changed, he and Velvet went down to breakfast. They noticed that people were in a state of panic as of the news of what had happened last night and the emergency evacuation that was to take place shortly after his and Cinder's match in the early afternoon.

Just as they sat down, the rest of the love group, minus Glynda, joined them. Manaphy was back in Blake's arms.

Neo was in a new disguise. She wore a dress that looked similar to Ash's suit he wore at the dance, and at the party at the Schnee Manor. Her hair was jet black and in a ponytail and her eyes were chocolate brown. Her high heels were blue and stretched passed her thighs and had bright blue spheres on the feet and on the knees.

"Sleep well Ash?" Yang asked.

"I needed a little help from Emerald to get me to sleep. Just can't believe all that has happened. Why?" He asked while moving around some sausage with his fork.

"Believe me babe it was a huge amount of info to take in. Even I struggled to sleep." Amber said. Neo held his arm and nodded in agreement.

"So Ash, what do you think of my new appearance?" Ruby asked as she struck a pose with her ears perking up and tail wagging. He smiled and hugged her, to which she happily returned.

"I will admit, it will take me a bit of time, but I do love it." Ash said. Ruby squealed a bit and kissed him.

Just as she was kissing him, she began to feel like she had to do it. She pulled his jacket down and adjusted Yang's scarf and the necklace she gave him and smashed her lips onto his upper chest, causing Ash to grunt a bit from what she was doing. She then began teething it, causing him to grunt louder from it.

She finally pulled away and smiled. She looked at the kiss bite and it was pretty.

"I guess someone gotten desperate." Velvet said while chuckling a bit.

"Hey Ash, I have a little something for you too." Emerald said while digging into her pocket and pulled out the brooch. She put it on Ash's coat that was visible for him to see.

Ash opened it and saw a beautiful picture of Emerald.

"Emerald, thank you." He said while closing it and held it. Emerald gripped his hand and the brooch glowed a bit.

"It's a lucky charm." She said. He pulled her closer and held her waist.

"Emerald, you, all of you, are my lucky charms." He said. Emerald hugged him. "So, how about we head outside? Think you ladies can help stretch me out? I don't want anything slowing me down." Ash asked.

"YES!" They all said, minus Neo who just nodded.

As they went outside to do just that, Ash notices that something's up with Blake. She just held Manaphy and looked like she was worried.

"Blake?" He asked while everyone now turned towards her.

Blake slowly approached him and Manaphy jumped into Neo's arms. Blake held him and began to shake.

"Ash…I don't like this. I'm too scared for you." She said. Ash cupped her cheeks and her glossy amber eyes looked at his. "After all that has happened last night, I've had nothing but really bad feelings about this fight." She added.

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