Chapter 7

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A few weeks have passed since the battle at the docks. Ash hasn't been himself since then. He usually kept to himself, trained with his Pokemon alone, and decided to not trust most people at Beacon for he feared that someone will turn him over to the wrong people. The only ones he can trust were Teams RWBY, JNPR and the staff.

Ash was on top of one of the towers as he meditated. He began sensing rage and stress coming from the courtyard. He looked down and saw Weiss activating her Glyph. He watched as she summoned it, putting a lot of energy to her semblance, but the Glyph would slowly vanish. This resulted in her to yell in frustration. Ash saw her sitting down at a nearby bench and looked down. Good thing no one was around so he decided to see what was up.

Weiss was breathing hard as she was exhausted from her summoning. Unbeknownst to her, Ash appeared from a portal beside her.

"What's up?" He asked her. Weiss looked up in fright.

"Oh....hey Ash. I was just practicing." Weiss said as she looked down again.

Ash walked up to her and sat next to her. "What were you doing with your Glyph?" He wondered.

"I was practicing my summoning technique. But every time I get close to completion, it slips away almost instantly. It's really bugging me." Weiss explained.

Ash was getting more curious. He knew that her Glyph could do so many things, ranging from a shield, a platform, and even boosting. But summoning, that was one that he didn't know.

"Why don't you tell me about it? Maybe I can help." Ash offered. Weiss looked up in surprise. How could someone like him help her with a semblance he doesn't know about?

"Well, me and my family use this technique to summon our enemies to help aid us in battle. My father, and my elder sister Winter are masters at it, but I'm still struggling with mine." Weiss explained. She looked down in defeat because she couldn't summon like the others.

"What about your allies?" Ash asked.

"We in the Schnee family don't really have allies." Weiss said. This surprised Ash a lot.

"WHAT ARE WE CHOPPED LIVER OR SOMETHING!?" Ash yelled. This startled Weiss from this.

"Why not think of your friends? That would make things easier because you know them well than your enemies. How about I help with that?" Ash asked as he stood up and held out his hand. Weiss looked at it for a few seconds before smiling and taking it.

Weiss took her position and aimed her Myrtenaster at the ground. The summoning Glyph appeared once again. Ash walked up to her and placed his hands on her shoulder.

"Now, ease the tension in your shoulders, keep a steady mind, and a calm heart. Think of the one ally in your mind and imagine him or her ready to fight by your side." Ash explained as Weiss began to blush a bit, but kept her focus. The Glyph began to spin faster and faster until a powerful bright light shined from the spot.

Ash covered his eyes until the light dimmed. Ash opened his eyes and saw a white figure from the summoning Glyph in a squatting position. It began to slowly stand up straight until it reached Ash's height. It turned around fast and to Ash's surprise, he saw himself with pale white skin, wearing a bright white coat, cyan eyes and a Divine Elemental in its hand. Ash summoned his Divine Elemental and walked towards his double ganger and they stared for a few seconds. They both swung their Keyblades over their left shoulder and they collided shortly after.

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