Chapter 15

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As Ash, Ruby and Weiss met up with Blake and Team JNPR, everyone was ready for the night they have all been waiting for. It came as no surprise that Jaune and Pyrrha were going as a couple, while Ren and Nora were going as friends. Ash knew how close Nora was to Ren, and can tell that they will one day be, in Nora's case, together-together.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Ash had brought along his Pokemon just in case as a meaning for security. He couldn't shake the feeling that something might happen tonight. Pikachu remained on Ash's shoulder mostly to be on standby should something happen. But otherwise, just to enjoy the night while maybe dancing with another Pokemon that someone might bring along as well.

"Hey Weiss, can we have a serious talk on how you fight in these?" Ruby asked her partner as she continued to wobble to keep her balance in her heels. This caused Weiss to chuckle a bit.

"Don't worry. For someone that has been wearing heels most of her life, I've learned a few tricks on how to walk and run with them easier. Here, I'll show you." Weiss said as she walked towards Ruby. Ash just watched as Weiss explained how to easily walk in heels. He then turned to Blake and smiled.

"You look beautiful tonight Kitty." He said as he walked towards her. She then hugged him while purring.

"Thank you. Unfortunately sweetie, my first dance is spoken for." Blake said as she looked up to look into his eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I do owe Yang for helping me open my eyes from the other night. But I promise you, you'll be next after Yang. Okay?" She asked while smiling. He knew too well that Yang did everything in her power to get through her teammate. Plus, he trusted her with his life.

"I understand. I have no objections to this. Alright guys, let's go." Ash said as he and the rest of the group walked towards the entrance to the ballroom.

"Oh, before I forget. Let's quickly laid down one big rule. No kisses tonight. I don't want anyone thinking I'm being…you know." Ash told Ruby, Blake and Weiss. They hesitated for a moment, but agreed.

Ruby was the first to open it and Ash, Weiss and Team JNPR followed. They saw Yang behind a stand in front of them.

"OH YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!" Yang squealed as she saw her sister enter with her dress. Ruby had a much better control of walking, but was still a tad wobbly.

"Stupid lady stilts." Ruby said softly to herself, causing Yang to giggle.

"Are you ready Yang?" Blake asked her as she walked towards her. Yang was so happy that the Blake that she knew has returned with no bags under her eyes and her mind off of the White Fang.

"Absolutely. Weiss, can you watch the door until either me, or Coco come back up here?" Yang asked.

"No problem. Hey Ash, can I also borrow Pikachu for this as well? I could use him for any intruders." Weiss asked him as she took over. Pikachu happily complied as he jumped off of Ash's shoulder onto the panel where Weiss stood behind. Yang and Blake went off to the dance floor and began a unique dance. Meanwhile, Team JNPR went to the dance floor with their respective partners, leaving Ash with Ruby.

Ash knew that the time has come. His training with Pyrrha last night, with the bonus from Weiss later on were now ready to be put to the test. He looked down at Ruby, who looked like she had Butterfree's in her stomach.

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