Filling The Blanks

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Strap yourselves in because this is when things are gonna be all over the place. Well things have been pretty hectic for us these many years, but not all bad though. How about I tell you all from my family to everyone else? First off, all five of my apprentices became Keyblade Masters, and I eventually became a Grand Master years later.

Blake continued to be chieftess of Kuo Kuana for several years until her late forty's when Claw stepped in and took her place. She did eventually get over her paranoia of the past repeating about a year before she stepped down and continued on to be a Huntress. She retired from being a Huntress a few more years later and stayed with us at the Keyblade Manor. Manaphy remained close by with her and I, but we knew that its true home was the Sea Temple. Manaphy even brought us down there for a special visit.

Glynda continued to be the Headmistress of Beacon Academy for several more years until Theodora turned thirty. She retired and lived a peaceful life afterwards.

Yang's wish to the brothers was to have her descendants to always have a bright and successful future, nothing at all selfish. She was known to be a workaholic after Pyro was born. She had a major eye opener when she had a near death experience had it not been for me getting involved and saved her life three years later. This caused her to be a bit of a protective stay at home mom for Pyro until his early teens. She still kept herself toned and ready in case she was needed. She still had a lifelong ban from Junior's Club, but she did eventually found a new one that suited her perfectly. After she went back to be a Huntress for the next several decades, she drove around her motorbike, the Bumblebee, and she was living her dream.

Weiss's wish to the brothers was to guarantee a safe environment for all S.D.C related locations for all Faunus, humans and Pokémon alike. She ran the business until Snow turned twenty-five years old when she stepped down from her position. She was still a Huntress as well so she often practiced in a large underground training location the size of a football field. Even when she and I train, she still got it despite that she was more of a Huntress second. Meloetta remained there with her at all times as a special comfort on rough days and when she just needed some happiness. Even though Meloetta was at that village in Unova thanks to my old buddy Ridley, Meloetta believes that she should remain with us after all that has happened to me and Weiss.

Coco's wish was to there be a fashionista in her bloodline, kinda sounds more like an ego to herself, but I guess she like the idea of like mother like daughter. I ain't judging though. Anyway, after a few years when Leaf was born, she joined the army obviously. She would often write letters to home, or video chat with us. She would stay with us for up to five days depending on her services. After thirteen years, she went back to be a seasoned Huntress. Whenever she isn't doing that, or catching up with Leaf, she's usually at malls.

Emerald's wish was a bit more selfless. She wanted her family to never in their lives to commit crimes of any kind. She was one of the best babysitters I've ever seen. Despite all that, she still held her own well as a Huntress. She was vindicated from her past crimes and was living the life of wealth, fame a luxury with all of us. She still caught up with Cinder and her family since she's a family friend and the godmother of her children since they really loved her like a mother. Even in retirement, she still keeps an eye on things with her soon to be grandchildren at home.

Velvet's wish was to end bullying. I guess that was her biggest weakness both before and during Beacon. Either way, this was a bit of a big deal especially for Vanilla. Like with Yang, she became a protective stay at home mother for her after that near death experience that Vanilla had. Poor girl. And like Yang, she still kept herself fighting fit if she was needed. When Team CFVY disbanded, she took it the worst. They still see each other every now and then, but often times were when Coco wasn't around. She knew that it wasn't the same without their leader.

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