Chapter 20

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Before we begin this next chapter, I need to add on something to Xedrek's Nightmare Realm Keyblade.

Attack Power: +6

Magic Power: +7

I forgot to add that part. Anyway, on with the chapter.

As the sun began to rise, Ash was the first to wake up. He looked down at the beautiful sleeping kitty Faunus snuggling him. He smiled as he gently rubbed her arm. She slowly woke up.

"Morning my handsome knight." Blake whispered.

"Morning my beautiful kitty." Ash whispered before kissing her forehead. They adjusted so they can sit up and leaned on the back of the bed. Ash only had his entire upper torso exposed while Blake had her bra, her shorts and her stockings on.

"Yesterday was the best day ever Ash. You are a thousand times better than my ex." Blake said as she scooted closer to him, closing the gap.

"Let me guess…Adam." Ash answered. She nodded. "He was a fool. Breaking up with a beautiful Faunus like you? What a shame." He said.

Blake then got an idea. She decided to take her bow off and looked towards him.

"Would you like to scratch them?" Blake asked, stunning Ash a bit.

"Blake…are you sure? Remember what happened the last time I did?" He asked.

"Yeah. It was because I wasn't expecting it. Please?" She asked as she leaned her head towards him a bit. He smiled and nodded. He slowly raised a hand towards her cat ears. As he was about an inch close, he stopped.

"I…I don't think I can do it. Isn't this kinda racist?" Ash asked.

"Not unless if the Faunus says that it's okay. And I'm saying that it's okay." Blake said. Ash then moved his hand closer and soon enough, his finger met her ear. He slowly started scratching her left ear. Blake began to breathe a bit heavy and she slightly moaned.

"Am I hurting you?" He asked as he quickly pulled back.

"No. It just feels so good. A cat loves it the most when one scratches the ears." Blake said. Ash then went on to scratch the other ear, and she moaned a bit from it.

Ash decided to try something. He stopped scratching it and he gently kissed the outside edge of the ear, causing her to gasp and moan louder.

"Ash…" Blake spoke loudly before hugged him and rubbed her face into his and purred.

After about a few minutes, they decided that it was time to get up. As Ash's feet hit the floor, he felt something different.

"What the?" Ash said as he and Blake looked down. They saw the same silver Dust from the day after the dance all around the bed. Ash noticed that this was more than from the night he and Yang spent the night here after the dance.

"Isn't that the same Rate T Dust from before?" Blake asked as she scooped a bit up and looked at it.

"Xedrek…" Ash realized what happened.

"Maybe that was what that sound was from last night. But either way, we all know that it's too dangerous." Blake said.

"I agree. Come on; let's get ready for the day." Ash said as they put their shirts back on.

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