Chapter 44

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Ash woke up the next morning feeling nice and refreshed. He knew that at long last, the worst was finally over. He got ready for the day and he departed to the Xiao Long residence. When he arrived, he saw Zwei doing his business. When he was done, Zwei barked happily and ran to Ash.

"Hey boy! Good to see you again Zwei." Ash said as he knelt down and Zwei jumped into his arms. Zwei began licking him playfully. "Zwei! Come on, let's go inside." Ash said as he got up and they headed inside.

"Morning Ashy." Ruby said as she skipped to him and hugged him. Zwei then licked her face. "HAHAHA, Zwei!" Ruby yelled from the tickle of the lick.

"Hey Ash!" Yang said as she turned the corner and kissed him.

"Sup you two? What did I miss?" Ash asked when he put Zwei down and he ran off.

"Actually, there was a public announcement of a celebration for you Ash winning both the Vytal Tournament, and becoming the Pokémon League Champion. It's gonna be in a few more days. Not only that, but they have just sent Schnee and Watts to the deserts of Vacuo at the brink of dawn. They ended up getting killed by a Blind Worm Grimm mere seconds after the Atlesian forces banished them." Yang explained.

"How's Weiss taking this?" Ash asked with a bit of concern.

"While she is happy that they got the justice they deserved, as a daughter she's still devastated. In fact, I overheard her talking to her mother that Whitley has taken it the worst. Then again, Whitley has hero worshipped his father. So I guess without a father figure and a motivator, he probably has nothing now." Ruby explained.

Ash sensed Weiss outside on the rooftop with Meloetta in her arms looking out in the distance. He saw sadness flowing through her, but he couldn't blame her.

"Where's everyone else?" Ash asked while looking back at the sisters.

"They're actually help tending to the last of the damages that Vale has suffered. Like Ruby said, the damage wasn't so bad except by city hall where Xedrek detonated. But Glynda was able to restore that location with her telekinesis semblance and her Pokémon by herself within a couple of days." Yang answered.

"That's good. I hope she doesn't get fired from what everyone learned from the trial yesterday." Ash said with a bit of worry.

"Actually, she informed us earlier that the Grand Council has dropped the charges. She's safe." Ruby said with a smile and wagged her tail.

"Can this day get any better?" Ash asked with excitement.

"Nope. They're gonna want you to give a speech at the celebration." Yang said. Ash fell over anime when she said that. "Don't worry, we'll help you out." Yang said while pulling him up.

Suddenly, Ash's stomach growled. Ash blushed from that loud growl.

"Yeah you're right Ash's stomach. We should eat first. Everyone will be home within an hour." Ruby said while chuckling a bit.

After they ate some breakfast, Ash decided to head up to the rooftop to check on Weiss. He saw her continuing to stare out into the horizon with Meloetta in her arms.

Weiss slowly looked over and saw Ash looking at her with a bit of sadness.

"Ash…good morning." Weiss said softly before looking back to the horizon. Ash sat next to her and looked out to the horizon with her. "Ash…can you do me a favor?" Weiss asked.

"Of course Weiss name it." Ash said before looking back at her.

"Will you stay with my family forever? Losing my father had a bigger impact on me than I thought. Mother and Winter took a major loving to you and I really don't want to lose you again." Weiss said.

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