Chapter 9

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"SHE WHAT!?" Team RWBY screamed as Ash told them the story of why he was told to stay behind.

"If it makes you feel any better, even I didn't see this coming. I don't know why it happened, but in combat class tomorrow morning, I'll talk to her about it." Ash said. Team RWBY nodded to the idea he had.

"So, you up for a little test run with the new Keyblade Armor?" Yang asked as she eyed the pauldron on his arm. Ash grinned as he slammed his hand onto the pauldron, creating a bright light in the process. The Keyblade Armor revealed itself and Ash looked up to them.

"I'm in. Besides, it's been a little while since you guys and I practiced together." He said as the girls got a closer look at the armor. Suddenly, Ruby was trying her absolute best to hold in a laugh, but she failed miserably.

"What's so funny Rubes?" Yang asked.

"I think all of those cookies have finally messed with her sanity." Blake said as she just watched as her leader continued to laugh hard.

"YOUR BUTT ARMOR IS PINK!" Ruby screamed as she pointed. They looked down at the place where she was pointing at under his cape. Now the whole team was laughing so hard at this. Ash, on the other hand, was blushing hard.

'Thank god that my helmet is still on. Lord Arceus, why!?' He thought to himself.

Imagine her laughing from the first episode of Volume 4. You know the one.

"PIHI KAHA CHUHAHA!" Pikachu joined the laughing group. Ash began to lose himself silly from the situation. Thus, he decided to laugh with them, especially when he found out that it was pretty funny.

After they calmed down, they made their way to the courtyard to begin their practice, and Ash testing out his new Keyblade Armor.

"Alright, time to see what that new look can do." Weiss said as she readied her Myrtenaster, Ruby swung her Crescent Rose and struck a pose, Blake pulled out her katana from her Gambol Shroud, and Yang locked and loaded her Ember Celica. Ash then summoned his Divine Elemental and the Oathkeeper and prepares to strike.

"I never really used two Keyblades before. But let's give them a whirl." Ash said with a smile. As if on cue, all four of them charged forward and attacked Ash. Ash blocked the attacks and went on to the offense.

The practice went on for about an hour until they began to get exhausted. Ash stood up straight, gave his Keyblades a twirl, and dismissed them.

"I definitely need to get used to using two Keyblades from now on." Ash said with a smile.

"What I wouldn't give to learn how to wield one of those?" Yang asked.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind learning as well." Weiss said with a smile.

"Wait a minute; all of you want to learn how to wield the Keyblade?" Ash asked them. They all nodded to the question. Ash thought about this for a few seconds, until he smiled at them.

"Alright, but be forewarned, if you wish to learn how to wield the Keyblade, you will have bigger responsibilities, meaning that this can change a lot for you four. So, think about this carefully." Ash explained to them.

"I've already made my choice." Blake said as she stepped forward.

"Me too, train me Ash." Weiss said in an almost desperate voice.

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