Chapter 4

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Ash opened his eyes as he looked outside. The sun was beginning to rise from a far distance. He got up and made his way to the bathroom to get prepared for the initiation later that morning. Along the way, he felt a slight cold feeling on his cheek, but decided that it was nothing. He was informed that his initiation is at 9 sharp. He looked over a clock at it was 6:30.

After about 15 minutes of cleaning up, he got into his coat and he and Pikachu quietly made their way out. Before he reached the door, he sensed someone was waking up. He turned around and he saw Weiss slowly sitting up from her bed.

"You're up already?" She asked.

"Yeah. I've gotten used to it after a few years of sleeping up on Mt. Silver. It's gotten a thing since then." Ash whispered to Weiss, who began to lean back down onto her bed to catch a few more Z's.

"See you hopefully before the initiation." He said to her again as he walked out from the room towards the courtyard.

As he made it outside, he took a deep breath and eyed the sunrise.

"This has been one of the craziest 24 hours I've been here. I wonder what all Beacon has in store for me for this initiation." Ash said to himself.

"You're up early." Someone spoke from behind him.

"I thought I sensed your aura nearby Professor Ozpin. I usually get up for a bit of a morning exercise anyway." Ash said with a smile as he turned toward the Professor with a coffee mug in his hand.

"Well you'll definitely need it because this initiation in a couple of hours will test your skills in the Emerald Forest." Ozpin spoke before taking a sip from his mug.

"Is there anything that I will need to know for such?" Ash wondered.

"All will be made clear to you in due time. But for now, you can do your morning exercise if you need. And afterwards, why don't you join the others for breakfast?" Ozpin suggested.

"Sure thing Professor. I'll see you at the designated spot on top of the cliff soon." Ash said as he turned around and he sent out his team and they made their way towards a spot where he can train with his combat skills for a while and his Pokemon to spar for a while.

Ozpin just watched as he began his exercise with his Keyblade for a moment or two. "I hope you are the guardian that we are hoping that you will be son." Ozpin said to himself before turning around and walked towards Beacon.

After about an hour of training, Ash returned his team decided to head inside for some breakfast with his friends. As he entered the mess hall, people looked over at his direction. Now feeling slightly uncomfortable of these surroundings, he decided to take his leave and go elsewhere. But before he could take a step away from the mess hall, he felt a powerful WHOOSH beside him and saw that Ruby was right in front of him with her eyes looking up at his with a big smile on her face.

"Where did you come from?" Ash wondered with his eyes wide from shock.

"The mess hall and I just used my speed semblance to get to you in a blink of an eye. Now come on, come join us. You have got to try the pancakes." Ruby insisted as she grabbed his arm and tugged him inside.

"Okay, okay I'm coming Ruby." Ash almost yelled out as they made their way back into the mess hall. Ash looked around and saw many people looking at his general direction, and constantly felt chills running up his spine from such.

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