Chapter 27

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Ash returned to the group at the noodle stand. Everyone took noticed of his expression upon returning.

"Hey Ash, what happened?" Weiss asked.

"Girls…the traitors took me to finally meet Salem." Ash whispered to them so that no one else around them can hear.

"You saw her? What was she like?" Ruby asked. Ash looked around and saw several people around.

"Not here." Ash said. After they ate, they began making their way to the Pokémon Center. Manaphy was in Blake's arms and it fell asleep in the process. He then began to explain to them what had happened and what Salem told them.

"I knew that there was something up with Ozpin. I think you and I should speak to him after today's matches." Xedrek said.

"I agree. I also keep getting the strangest feeling that he is hiding more things from us as well." Ash added.

"We know that the Maidens exist, but if Ozpin really is the wizard, that would be far beyond believing. I just don't buy it." Yang said.

After they arrived, Ash claimed his Pokémon.

"How you doing bud?" Ash asked.

"Pika!" Pikachu yelled as he jumped onto his usual spot.

Ash then sent out Gardevoir. After she was sent out, she just looked down in shame.

"Hey Gardevoir, you alright?" Ash asked her. Gardevoir shook her head slightly. Ash walked toward her and placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up. "You have nothing to be ashamed of. You did your best, and that's all that matters." Ash said trying to comfort her.

Gardevoir still felt ashamed of her failure. Aside from the CCT tower infiltration, this was her first major defeat. This was hard on her. However, she was grateful that Ash forgave her of her failure.

She then levitated up to Ash's height and hugged him while crying a bit. Ash returned the embrace while comforting her. Her psychic powers began being channeled around her as she swore to never fail again.

"What is Gardevoir doing?" Blake asked.

"She's promising to never fail like this again. Gardevoir's are known to protect their trainers from danger. It's kind of their instincts." Xedrek said.

After Ash returned Gardevoir after she calmed down, they began making their way towards the Colosseum.

"HEY!" A girl screamed nearby.

Ash and the others looked where it came from and they saw a cat Faunus girl rollerblading her way towards them. She did a loop around them and began to spin around fast in front of Ash before stopping with a smile.

"Impressive. If I recall correctly from the Teams Round, you are-""Neon Katt from Team FNKI, that's me! Hello!" The Faunus named Neon interrupted him.

"Wha…" Ruby was so confused of what was happening.

Neon got a little closer to Ash.

"It's quite the honor to finally meet you Ash. You have quite the reputation, especially if you can earn a kiss from Winter herself. May I see your Keyblade?" She requested.

"Um…okay sure." Ash said before summoning Divine Elemental. Neon shrieked with excitement.

"It's so super crazy awesome. I look forward to seeing you in the championship match. Whoops, gotta dash." Neon said before strolling by Ash.

Ash then gasped as he felt Neon put her pink tail under his other hand and he unintentionally stroked it. She purred while wrapping it around his hand and slowly pulled it until she yanked her tail out of his hand. She then winked and dashed off. They all saw a rainbow being shot out of her as she dashed off.

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