Chapter 42

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Everyone was shocked that Penny was now on the offense against Ash. Ash just looked at Penny while slowly backing away.

"Penny! Stand down! I am ordering you to stand down!" Winter yelled while withdrawing her sword.

"I do not take orders from you Winter. I take orders from my commanding officer Arthur Watts. This man is wanted as he is a high level threat to us all." Penny said blankly.

"Have you gone mad!?" Ash yelled.

"What's going on!? Why is she doing that to Ash!?" Miette asked in a panic.

"She's an android. Arthur Watts, who was just recently made high chairman of the grand council of the four kingdoms, must've found a way to hack into her database and have her under his command." Blake said.

Suddenly, they all saw multiple transports flying towards them. They landed around them, preventing them from escaping. Many Atlas Soldiers along with several Paladins and Ak-200 emerged and ad their guns locked and loaded.

"ALL UNITS! STAND DOWN!" Winter shouted.

"We have our orders Specialist Schnee. If you are siding with him, then you are committing treason. Arrest him!" Hawk yelled at his men.

Several got to Ash and tackled him to the ground and cuffed him.

"HANDS IN THE AIR AND GET ON THE GROUND!" One of the soldiers shouted to Blake and Miette. They did just that and the soldiers continued to aim their guns at them.

"ALRIGHT STOP!" Ash shouted at the top of his lungs, gaining everyone's attention. "I'll come quietly if you let everyone else go and live." Ash said as tears were pouring out of his eyes.

"That's what I thought. Get moving!" Hawk yelled as he his Ash on his back with his gun and forced him to move.


"We won't leave you Ash!" Miette yelled.

"QUIET!" Penny shouted as she fired a warning shot at Miette from one of her swords, causing Miette to yelp in fright.

They all just watched as Ash was taken away onto a prisoner transport that was gonna take him to the prison nearby Atlas. Blake and Miette cried that their loved one was taken, again.

Meanwhile, Winter contacted Pietro.

"Pietro! We have a big problem. Penny has been hacked into by Watts. Is there any way you can fight him off?" Winter asked.

"Already working on that. After Watts's supposed death, I was able to create a special failsafe in case if something happens. It will erase the memories that she had from this day, but it will take some time for her to come back to her senses as the protector of Mantle. The moment I saw Watts, I installed this into her. After all, she is my daughter rebuilt by me." Pietro explained.

"Thank you Pietro. I hope you don't mind having me and the others return for a while. Things…are getting complicated. Besides, I need to get in contact with General Ironwood and tell him the bad news." Winter said.

"Understood. The doors will always be open to those that are with Ash." Pietro said before hanging up.

Winter put her scroll away and went to Blake and Miette.

"Come on. We need to get out of here. Let's get back to the pharmacy. I need to get in contact with the General." Winter said as she helped Miette up onto her feet.

"Why would they do this?" Miette whimpered.

"I'm about to find out." Winter said with anger as she looked back at the capital itself.

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