Chapter 18

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After Ash and Weiss's little date yesterday, and obtaining the Spring Maiden's power of the X-Blade, Ash has been all the more calm and collective. Now that he has half of the powers of the X-Blade, he can only imagine what kind of power that this weapon could muster.

With literally two weeks until the Vytal Festival and the Tournaments coming up, Ash was getting so excited. Course then again; he had classes, training and teaching his apprentices the powers of the Keyblade. And not to mention that he still has six more girls to take on a date.

During one of his down times, he has been figuring out where to take the others on a date. He decided on a few locations that were romantic as possible. Unbeknownst to Ash, who was occupied on the maps of all the regions he visited, Yang decided to drop in on him.

"Watcha doing sweetie?" Yang asked as she leaned over her shoulder.

"Just looking for locations for dates. I'm still not ready for the public to see me like this yet." Ash said while continuing to look at the many of regions he's been to.

"Well, I have an idea for a location that I've always wanted to go to." Yang said while moving around him and sitting on his lap. She pointed to a spot in the Unova region on what looked like Route 4.

"The Rainbow Valley in Unova?" He asked as he looked closely at the spot.

"Yep. My father used to read me and Ruby a bedtime story about that place. It is said that Cottonee's gather to that sacred spot after they found their mates. On the night of a full moon, a wind called the Diamond Breeze blows them to this spot." She explained.

"It's true. I have been there myself….with a few of the traitors." He said in a pretty down voice from that last part. Yang pulled his head to face her and planted her lips onto his. After she broke the kiss, she hugged him tight.

"I told you to get your mind off of them, or I will have to force you to." She whispered into his ear. Ash returned it gently.

"I'm sorry. It's just that…I won't be at peace until I set everything right." Ash whispered while tightening his grip.

"You're not doing this alone Ash. We are in this together. Now what do you say we get ready? After all, we never really had a day to ourselves." She suggested. She was still a tad upset with herself from the misunderstanding the night of the dance and she believed this will make her better.

"Rainbow Valley it is then." He said with a smile. They shared one last passionate kiss before they went off to get changed and cleaned up.

Ash had decided to go with usual clothing and put his dark coat away for a change. He was surprised that he found clothes that look just like the ones he wore in Unova in his closet. The only thing that was missing was his hat.

"Well Pikachu old buddy, I never thought we ever return to Unova. From what everyone thought I was dead and with that tombstone back at Celestial Tower, I can't imagine if some people will be overjoyed seeing me alive and well, or if people will see me as a zombie and panic." Ash said to his partner.

"Pika Pi Pikachu." Pikachu spoke.

"Well perhaps. I wonder what's keeping Yang." Ash asked. As if on cue, the door knocked. He walked over it to answer it. When he opened the door, he thought he had just died and went to heaven from the beauty that stood in front of him.

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