Chapter 29

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Ash, Neo and Manaphy came out of a portal at his spot at the Colosseum. They arrived right on time for the start of Yang's match against her opponent, Charcoal. Neo changed into her disguise and took Manaphy to join the others.

Charcoal was a 3rd year at Shade Academy and she was known for her expertise with her beauty in combat. She was wearing mostly battle armor that was colored in silver with her stomach, thighs, biceps and upper chest exposed. She was wearing heels that have a sharp point on the bottom, and wielded twin Sai to which she dubbed them Slice n' Dice. She had purple eyes and had a headband to keep her long red hair back.

"This is going to be really boring, and uneventful. I was hoping for a better challenger than someone like you, who needs her 'masters' permission to battle. Ash, on the other hand, he's right up my alley. Oh, what I wouldn't give to be with him for a good half hour?" Charcoal said while showing off a bit of her fangirl within her. Yang was not having it.

"Ash is my instructor, not my master. Besides bitch, he doesn't have us treat him like one. Plus, you won't be near him when I'm through with you. And finally, your hair stinks worse than a Skuntank!" Yang yelled at her.

"AHH! I'll teach you some respects you bimbo!" Charcoal retaliated while pulling out Slice n' Dice. Yang's eyes turned red from that comment. She locked and loaded Ember Celica

"Ready! Get Set! FIGHT!" Port yelled. Charcoal and Yang ran towards each other and the fight began. Being a Sai mistress, Charcoal was able to keep Yang at a slight distance. Yang mostly relied on her range attacks to catch Charcoal off guard.

Back with Ash, he paced back and forth while watching the match. A battle between two beauties, this is definitely close to a catfight he is witnessing. Although, those trash talks they were yelling to each other really did make him sweat.

"This is really accurate on one thing, never get in between girls that have mud thrown at their dignities." He whispered to himself.

Just then, Charcoal slammed the grips of her Sai, and she combined them together to create a long range pistol. She fired at Yang, but she was able to deflect the bullets with Ember Celica. Yang then ran towards her and began to throw punches at her, but Charcoal was more flexible than Yang thought.

Charcoal then got the upper hand by kneeing her into her gut and elbowed her in the head, causing her to slam headfirst into the ground. Her aura meter fell.

"Is that the best you got? You are nothing but a disappointment. Now then…" Charcoal was saying before she separated her Sai and grabbed Yang by her hair and pulled her up. "I'll teach you what happens when you talk trash about my hair." She sneered.

To everyone's shock, Charcoal then sliced off a fifth of Yang's hair length, causing her to scream in shock and devastation.

"Uh oh." Ruby whispered in fear.

"She's done it now." Weiss said while gripping tighter on her seat.

"She's gonna blow…literally" Blake said while slowly standing up.

Back with Ash, he saw what had happened, and readied both Keyblades.

"Caution to the wind then." He said before creating a portal and ran through it. He then appeared on the far end of the battlefield where things started to really heat up.

"You…you just sealed…YOUR FATE!" Yang exploded as her hair glowed bright and her aura erupted out of her. She then started attacking Charcoal with blazing speed, and pure rage. From all the attacks, Charcoal's aura was falling rapidly.

Ash continued to stay close to the end of the battlefield while making sure things didn't get too ugly.

Charcoal then collapsed onto the ground and began to breathe heavily. Yang stomped towards her and readied for another strike.

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